Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28.
My favorite day of the year.
It's the day I set aside to admire all of the countless days I get to spend with this guy.
It is our anniversary.
Our third year of marriage was most definitely memorable.
It was the year we left behind the student life.
It was the year we we moved into our first house.
But most importantly...
It was the year we started our family.
I can without a doubt say I love the man in my life far more than the year before.
I will never, ever forget the day we found out we were expecting.
Not just because we were excited for a little one to join our family.
But because of the way it changed our marriage for the better.
A professor once told me, "If you want to make a good marriage great, have a baby."
We went from good to great that day and have not turned back.
Seeing the man I love preparing to be a father is unlike anything I have ever experienced.
We are still keeping our marriage alive, just the way I always hoped.
We are far from perfect.
He zones out and I run my mouth.
Not every day will be as life changing as the day we became parents,
but that is the beauty of it all.
The up days and down days and the completely flat days.
That is what marriage is all about.
Brett Aitken you are the love of my life.
I loved the dating days.
The engaged days.
and the newlywed days.
And now, I am looking forward to the parenting days.
But many, many days down the road when the kids have flown the coup
I hope to still look at you the way I did the day of August 28, 2010.
{even if we are a bit wrinkly and old}
So here's to loving the days now, the days then and the beautiful days ahead.
Happy day babe. 
I love you.

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