Monday, August 5, 2013

It's been three weeks since the big move.
Adjusting has been wonderful and challenging all wrapped in one. 
Although I am definitely missing friends and family, I can't help but feel so fortunate and blessed.
Especially for Brett. 
Falling more and more in love with that guy every moment.
I love the little life we are starting and the fact that we are having to rely so heavily on each other for support.
It just feels so right. 

So without further ado, here is a peak at our first three weeks in the place we call home.
Having time to get settled and begin "nesting" has been wonderful.
I love the time Brett and I get to work on putting the rooms together.
Every day, this little house is feeling a little more and more like home.

There is still a lot of work to be done.
but as for now we are simply enjoying the journey...
and loving every second we get to spend together making this place our home.

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