Tuesday, August 27, 2013


After many requests, I have finally set up shop to create custom prints and designs! 
Needless to say, I am quite excited!

I will continue offering free weekly ideas on my blog 
but if you are looking for something that is not already posted 
or want slight alterations to one of the designs already posted on my blog, check out the

Right now I am offering:

Fresh Custom Prints, Designs, and Handouts

Resizing / Personalizing Prints and Handouts from 
All Things Bright & Beautiful Blog

Because I have had so many requests to manipulate my handouts and designs,
 I am starting to charge a small fee for my time and efforts as I go back and customize the designs. 
This will allow me to continue to create and design weekly free ideas on my blog for the primary, young women, and missionary work! 

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