Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yes, we like to think we are great connoisseurs of crepes. 
Since Brett served his mission in Paris, we sometimes have "French Nights".
Most of the time they involve his to die for, legit, French crepe recipe, strawberries, bananas, jams, and a WHOLE LOT of Nutella.
Honestly I could shovel those things into my mouth all night long. 

Last night I decided to venture out into the "savory" crepe land, which actually turned out to be quite divine.
I used a recipe from "Eating Well" (found here), but put my little spin on it (see recipe below).
It turned out for a fun "Crepe Night, Date Night" with yummy summer time and sweet goodness!

French Crepe Recipe

2 Cups Flour
2 Cups Milk
3 Eggs
3/4 Cup Sugar (add less sugar if making savory crepes)
2 Tsp. Salt
 2 Tsp. of  vanilla for flavor if desired

Add the flour, sugar, and salt to a mixing bowl. Add eggs and mix.

Add the milk to the mixture little by little while mixing.
(you can warm the milk to avoid lumps, but don't boil it).

Pour batter onto hot sauce pan (butter or oil beforehand so batter does not stick).
Turn pan so batter evens out into a circular crepe. 
As edges begin to bubble, flip.
Once crepe is cooked on both sides, remove from heat. 

Summer Time Crepe Filling & Sauce

1/3 Cup Sour Cream
1/2 Cup Chopped Chives
2 Cups Cooked & Shredded Chicken
3 Tb. Milk
2 Tsp. Lemon Juice
Salt & Ground Pepper
1 Cup Chopped Zucchini
1/2 Cup Chopped Red or Yellow Peppers 
1 Cup Corn
1 Cup Mushrooms
1 Cup Ricotta Cheese
1/2 Cup Shredded Monterrey Jack Cheese

Stir sour cream, 1/4 cup chives, milk, lemon juice, and a pinch of salt into a small bowl.
Stir until combined.
Set aside. 

Cook desired vegetables (zucchini, peppers, corn, mushrooms, etc) in a skillet over medium heat until beginning to brown.
Reduce heat to low; stir in Ricotta cheese, Monterrey Jack cheese, and remaining 1/4 cup chives.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Stir gently until cheese is melted.
Remove from heat and add chicken.

Spoon vegetable cheese mixture down the center of a crepe.
Gently roll the crepe around the filling. 
Place crepe seam side down on a dinner plate. 
Drizzle reserved sauce on top of crepe and serve!

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