Not sure what this was made for or what it's going to be used for...but it's so beautiful. I love it!
Iwanna something like these...
These next two would look wonderful with one of last week's Iwanna item...
And here's a closeup of the plates, I forgot to take a picture of one though, or maybe I deleted it, but there are four place settings. Don't you love the plates? And for only $1.00 each!
At the next Goodwill I found a set of dishes with a grape design that I haven't photographed yet, but I will once I get them hung up in my kitchen and another bowl that I bought just because of the beautiful colors, but I also didn't photograph it. It's more autumn colors.
Then I went to my favorite Goodwill. This Goodwill has mostly books, but a few knick-knacks and pictures. I found a few more things for a Spring and Easter display.
First this aluminum bucket I guess is what it is. Here it is empty...
Then I found these beautiful nesting boxes. The all fit inside the big one and you can display just the big one, or all three of them. These are yours April...I remember how you once told me you wanted Russian Nesting Dolls and these are sort of the same thing, but different. But you can't have them yet :0)
I guess when it comes right down to it, in today's economy the last quote really hits home for me. It hurts to pay taxes on my income, but it would be even worse to have no income at all.
and not just the monitor and keyboard, but Iwanna the whole system with all the latest gadgets including CD and DVD burners, a scanner, printer and fax, the latest version of either Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop.
I've debated whether or not it would be better to have a laptop and while I love the idea of being able to write posts to my blog while in bed all warm and toasty I really can't afford Wi-Fi, so there's really no purpose to having the lap top at this point.
But since this is just an Iwanna moment, then Iwanna that PC up there and Iwanna the laptop with Wi-Fi as well :0)
I love this! I want the whole wall to look like that and where you see that desk is where my computer desk would be and then I would want it to extend a little further to the right and have another area there where my TV would fit. Then I could display all my Iwanna treasures to my hearts content.
Yep...Iwanna this!
The reason for me going into such detail is twofold
1. I think you should download StumbleUpon
2. I want to show you something I StumbledUpon just today at this website...
Can you believe these shoes? And there are other ones to view if you click the link above! But these two were definitely the weirdest. See StumbleUpon knows that one of the interests I have is in fashion and that's probably why they showed me this website or could it be my interest in humor? Or maybe it's a puzzle...how do you get the flies inside the shoe to feed the live tarantula without it biting you? Go see the rest of these and you decide! Ugh!