Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cousins ~ Different beautiful flowers from the same garden

"A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost."
Author: Marion C. Garretty

I received a lovely little surprise in the mail today from my cousin Stella, and I wanted to share it with you.

Stella took a road trip this summer for about a month. She first started this annual tradition with her husband Ron who sadly passed away a few years ago. She and Ron had great adventures, stopping at different little antique shops and always on the lookout for Carl's Jrs or Hardees for Stella's huge addiction to Dr. Pepper or Coke. Not sure which and whether it was regular or diet, but I know it was the caffeine!

This year Stella found this cute little sign that is perfect for my wine/grape themed kitchen. Don't you love it?

I found a nice little spot for it already right next to my kitchen hutch. Right now I have a garland of daisies but I've been looking for a garland of grapes and grapes leaves. Most of the ones I find are too sparse and unnatural looking...but this is not Iwanna Wednesday, so let me get on with the thanking of my wonderful cousin Stella!

Thank you so much Stella! I love it and it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling to know that you thought of me on your trip! We don't always tell people what we think about them until we eulogize them at their funeral and whats the point then right?

I want you to know that you are the first person that ever put makeup on me when you lived in that house in Poston on the ranch. I felt so grown up when you put eyeshadow and mascara on me and I think that is where my love of makeup first began.

You also took me to my first high school basket ball game where I got to see Oscar Soliz play and I have to admit I had a huge crush on him during my whole high school years.

You also are the reason for my love of country music. I can remember you driving back from that game and singing country music and that song Proud Mary. I can't ever hear Proud Mary and not think of you.

I know that most of the time we go through our lives never realizing how our lives touched others. You touched my life and my heart; my beautiful cousin and I love you dearly.

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