This is for the birds!!
No, I'm not fed up with Iwanna Wednesdays. How could I be fed up with being able to shop for beautiful things and post them here for all to see? What's for the birds is. . .
wait for it~~~
wait for it~~~
wait for it~~~
Ok, so maybe I do watch too much "How I Met Your Mother", but what's for the birds that Iwanna this Wednesday?
Why? Because we have lots of beautiful Bluebirds in our back yard and they love it when I turn the sprinkler on. They play in it and flutter around and then they eat all those good bugs that come to the surface. So I thought maybe they might like a birdbath.
And I found some beauties. I never knew there were so many styles. I assumed I would find a white plastic one like I had about 20 years ago, but check these out . . .
This one I loved because those little birds can just kinda hang out and wait their turn for the water, or if they drink too much they can just sit there and wait til they sober up so they can fly straight! (No, I'm not planning to put tequila in the birdbath...the tequila is for me!)

Go on now...I'll wait.

Now this next one I loved because the bath itself is copper and would reflect the sun so nicely. But would it maybe reflect too much and make the water too hot? I don't want Bluebird Soup! Nor do Iwanna blind the poor things with the reflection. Ok, so maybe not this one, but it is beautiful isn't it?

Huh? What? What do you mean Southern California isn't the south birds fly to.
Oh well, no matter that is what Iwanna this Wednesday.
Which is your favorite?
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