Thursday, September 17, 2009

What I StumbleUpon

Sometimes I need to get my creative juices flowing; in order to find something to post about. Not often because most of the time ideas pop into my head all the time.

So when I have bloggers block, I Stumble! No I don't mean I get rip-roaring drunk and stumble around. I mean I go to a great website called StumbleUpon. Actually I have their toolbar and their toolbar has a little button that says Stumble! I click on it and I am magically transported to random blogs/websites/gaming zones/videos, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless. I can even set up my interests and choose for instance online games and it will go to unending page after page after page of online games for me.

It's awesome, I love it. If you would like it then just click here: Stumble Upon Toolbar

So I was stumbling and I came across this beautiful work of art and I had to share.

Is that not right up there with the Mona Lisa? I know it puts a smile on MY FACE! That's my absolute favorite pastry, Cream Cheese Danish...and now, I can make my very own!! Or at least I have the recipe to make it when the temperature is not hell and a half outside.

I stumbled onto a website called Joe Pastry, Baking News, Tips, History and Science. Joe has a whole list of "How To" make things, but I found the How To Make Danish Pastry, of course! It's really an awesome website with easy to follow recipes and great step by step photos.

Well, I can't actually bake right now, but I can do the next best thing. I'm off to make pancakes, but please go visit Joe Pastry, you will thank me!

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