Ok, I admit it...I'm a Thrift-a-holic. You know you're a thrift-a-holic when you start visiting thrift shops on your lunch hour and after work on your way home. Gone are the days that I used to get my thrill only on Saturday mornings. Now I feel the need...the need for thrifting. I can hear the thrift shop treasures calling to me at all hours of the day. Yep...it's true, I admit it. . . "My name is Alicia; and I am a Thrift Store Junkie". Hey that's catchy, I wonder if anyone is using that as their blog name?
Ok, I'm back, I had to go check and that name is available. There is a website called
Confessions of a Thrift Store Junkie though; and her blog is really cool, lots of treasures, go visit. *sigh* It's so sad, someone else with the same addiction as mine...oh well, at least I'm in good company!
I know there will be more than 100 other junkies linked up to Rhoda at Southern Hospitality's Thrifting Treasures. So take a gander at my treasures and then be sure and head over to Rhoda's to see what everyone else found.
This post is going to be about an American Cancer Society Discovery Store discovery. It started as I was wandering around a week or so ago on my lunch hour (see, told you I was addicted). I saw this little yellow box and what called my attention to it was the little latch that look like a tiny ivory tusk...so I had to investigate further.

I opened it and saw this . . .

Here's a close-up. Looks like an egg of some type and there's a little card in there with some writing and what looks like a stand.

Yep, it's definitely some type of stand.

Oh....the stand is for the egg. Cool! I love it. It's beautiful. But what makes it so special that it would be in a cool little box like that with a miniature tusk?

Hmmm, maybe there's some information on the little card with writing on it?

Wow, hand painted from the inside??? But how? Oh, I see, there's a little hole at the bottom. How cool is that!

So here's the whole set...and it's only a few buck. Surely I need this. Ok, well maybe I don't need it, but I definitely want it. So I bought it and here is it. The whole thing together. Beautiful!

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