Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Iwanna Wednesday

Hey...thanks for all the comments and emails I received regarding my Hippy Bees. Unfortunately they are still out there because my bee whisperer was unavoidably detained and then I missed his phone call, but he promised to come tomorrow.

But, this is Iwanna Wednesday...the day I can want anything. My sister and mom call me Iwanna because the second I walk into ANY STORE I instantly see something I want. Sometimes it's not even a store, I can just drive by a house and see a rock or a window or a lawn jockey and Iwanna it. I know; it's a gift.

I'm sure you've all seen or may even have a wall saying on your wall, such as these:

I love those, they're sweet...but I'm not a the sweet, mushy type. I'm more the sarcastic, funny type, so what Iwanna today, for Iwanna Wednesday is to see some made up that say things such as these:

FYI...this is my bed, I just whited out the wall display and put the sayings on the now blank wall, and no...I don't have a two toned wall, I'm just not a great Paint Shop Pro, Pro!

And my personal favorite. . .

What's your favorite saying? Do you have a wall saying? What's it say? Inquiring minds Iwanna Get it? A play on words.
What? You don't get it? Ok, well moving on. Til next Wednesday, Cya!

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