Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thrift Shop Treasures

Found some great things this week. Hit quite a few yard sales and 2 Goodwill's. Once you see all my goodies, be sure to head over to Rhoda's "Southern Hospitality", gracious host of Today's Thrifty Treasures blogging party. Like Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ, click your heels together...and hit the Today's Thrifty Treasures button below to be transported to a magical land of thrifty treasures!

So as luck would have it I had a yard sale right across the street from my house. It was about 8:30 by the time I had showered and done my hair and make-up. I asked my mom if she had gone and she said no and now it was probably too late because all the good stuff was gone. But I convinced her to go with me and good thing I did because we found some great things.

My mom found a really nice purse for $1.00 to use to put her church book, missal and water bottle in when she attends daily mass. She also found a stack of dishtowels. There were about 15 and they were $1.25 for the stack! I found a really nice nick-knack shelf. It was pink and I didn't really know where to put it until I remembered my bathroom is pink and's perfect.

Now I just have to find butterfly items to display.

That yard sale put us in the mood to hit some thrift stores. On our way to Goodwill we hit a few yard sales where my mom scored a pair of PJ's and these handy little condiment/prep cups.

We are a Salsa and chips loving family...but we aren't too thrilled with double dippers into the salsa bowl. So we've gotten into the habit of each person getting their own little individual salsa cup, like these and that way there are no double dippers into the main salsa bowl. I know, how OCD are we?

They look black, but they're actually a really pretty blue.

At Goodwill. I found the LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE signs you see pictured in the shelf above. I debated getting them, but there have been too many times I don't buy something and regret it later. I'm glad I bought these at only 75cents each. They were brand new.

I love the bright happy colors! Not sure where they will finally end up, or if I will paint them, but for now they seem happy where they are.

That was about it for nick-knacks but it was really my day for PJ's which is good as I needed some.

I bought all of the below, plus two gray t-shirts, one blouse for me and 3 books and the LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE signs for $20.00. The fun day and memories I made with my mom were included for FREE!

Love the ruffle detailing on the bottom of this one.

Love Pink!

Kind of a night shirt style.
These I found for my daughter. They have such a cute little sheep pattern, for those nights where you need to count sheep to get to sleep!

Here's a close up...aren't they adorable?

Can't get PJ pants for my daughter and not get some for my son. Not as cute as the little sheep, but very manly don't you think?

Bought a cute little ruffled top for myself.

And that was it for my day. Now I have to go and launder all my goodies! Be sure to head over to Rhoda's to see what else everyone else found. . .and don't forget to add yourself as a follower.

Happy Labor Day!

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