Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well there might be a few trick or treaters left out there...but I'm out of candy so it's all over, the fat lady has sung!

Had a great Halloween day though. Slept in til 9am. Mom and I hit some thrift stores and did some grocery shopping. Had a late lunch at my sister's house. She makes the most delicious beef and vegetable soup ever. Next time sis, I want to take pics while you make it so I can try to copy it.

We came home and set up for the trick or treaters to arrive. In our small town the city fathers/mothers set up a Halloween carnival/parade for all the kids at 5pm and when that's over with the trick or treating begins.

So I want to share photos of the very first trick or treaters I got tonight. Since they were the first ones I made them come inside! Actually the first ones were my nieces and nephew, brother and sister in law.

Here's my niece Alicia, my namesake. Love those teeth and she's obviously a carnivore, see her getting ready to chomp down on my rat Henry? No, no Alicia...we have candy you can eat. See, here's some Nerds, how about a Butterfinger? Let Henry live to celebrate another Halloween!

And here's the baby of the family, Little Melissa. She's Snow White as you can tell and she had to have some lipstick like big sister Alicia. Isn't she cute?

Here's my nephew Freddie, he's a Stormtrooper! And also he's sponsored by Apple Market obviously :-)

And now a couple of pretty shots. My Mom, the grandkids call her Nana. Nana and Melissa. (Nana gave Melissa way to much candy by the way!) But I guess that's what Nana's do huh?

Nana and Alicia share a moment!

While they were here we were listening to scary Halloween music and Michael Jackson's Thriller Video came on and everyone jumped up to do the Thriller Dance. Here's a few shots of that.

And in Thriller when the monsters all try to get the beautiful girl; the beautiful girl screams? Well here's our beautiful girl screaming while her sister, the vampire is trying to take her head off. I hope that little girl doesn't have scary dreams tonight :-)

Happy Halloween and guess what? Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!!! Mmmmmm, turkey!

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