Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Today didn't start out well. I had car trouble which made me late for a 7:45 a.m. doctor's appointment. My car wouldn't start so I had to borrow my sisters car. I was late to the doctor and I knew I had to get my car fixed, so I called in sick to work. Although I really was sick, but that's a whole other post later, maybe.

I went and picked up my battery at the dealership because batteries for my car are made out of solid gold (even though my car is made of Papier Mache) and cost just as much! Ok, so maybe not solid gold, but they are very special batteries that you can only find at the dealership.

Came home just in time to cart my mom off to her doctor's appointment. My son was going to take her, but I figured since I had time I would do it.

Came home and had to wait for the auto club to come out and jump start my car which I then took to the mechanic. Then had to wait there and now...finally I am home.

I have several blogs that I follow and I like to go check out as many as I can and comment and show them some love and I realized that today is Outdoor Wednesday and I thought to myself, "Self, you were outdoors most of the day, why didn't you take some pictures?" So I grabbed my camera and ran outside to take pictures of my bee situation and of course, my camera's battery was dead!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

But not to fear, I still have something outdoorsy to share with ya'll! I can say ya'll cause I'm joining up with Susan at A Southern Daydreamer and she probably says ya'll right? So after you see my outdoor pics, please click here and go visit all the other outdoorsy folks participating!

A few weeks ago, on the way home from my trip on the Amtrak (hope you aren't sick about hearing about that trip because it was probably one of the most eventful two day trips I've ever taken) I was blessed to see the most beautiful sunset ever. The photos below don't really do it justice as they are taken through a dirty Amtrak Train window on a train traveling pretty fast, but still I thought they were beautiful and wanted to share them with you today.

The train goes through a bunch of dry brush and farming land, so there's not a lot to see, some ranches, farmland, cattle, sheep, horse and homes.

But even the telephone poles look pretty in these photos, don't you think?

If you click on them, they should get a little bigger and then you can see that the land in the foreground is really blurry. So that's it for now. Don't forget tomorrow is Iwanna Wednesday, come back by and see what Iwanna wants this week. It's something a lot of you already have.

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