As I mentioned on
Monday's post; this weekend we visited one of our local pumpkin patches,
Murray Family Farms. That's where we saw the
peacocks. Now I want to share with you some of the other things we saw.
First of course, here we are at the front door of
Murray Family Farms. There were so many people there it was unbelievable! So let's go through those front doors and see what's up in the big red barn. (And don't knock down any of the precious little darlings that are running around everywhere!)

I see you made it through that maze of face-painted, cotton-candy crazed children? Great, so take a look in this case. See all those lovely things? All different kinds of apples, plums, pears and looks like some pomegranate even. Who doesn't love pomegranate right? Anyone want to make me some Pomegranate jelly? Yum!

And what's this? Hmmm, this is new to me, how about to you. No...I don't mean the mini pumpkins and gourds and the Indian's those little things right above that sign. Let's see if we can get a close up of those.

Yep, I was reading that right...BATMAN MAN WINGS! Not Batman Woman Wings, but honest to gosh darned Man Wings! Wonder why they call them that?

Oh...ok, now I see, do you? Cause they look like Batman's wings...his MAN WINGS!

Ok, well so that was interesting. Lets head outside and see what else we can see.
Oooooooo, Pumpkins! Well I guess that's why they call this the pumpkin patch right?

Awwww, I like the little ones!

Looks like a great photo op here!

And what about this view of the Tehachapi Mountains and the golden colored hills leading the way?

As you can tell by the swaying palm're definitely in California!

And over here on the other side, you see the kids carnival. There's a wagon ride out to the pumpkin fields so you can pick your own pumpkin if you didn't find just the right one in those stacks and stacks we just saw. There's also a maze, face painting and all kinds of carnival games and food.

And look, farm animals! An old goat! He seems friendly though.

Well hi there Mister Goat. So you don't mind having your picture taken do you? You're not like your friends over there, the shy peacocks from
Mosaic Monday?

Awwww, and look...a little baby goat. She eats right out of your hand.

Ok, and now that we have goat spittle all over our hands, lets go find someplace to wash up. Maybe here at this really cute little hand washing station. Isn't this a great little idea? I love the colorful tiles!

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm pooped and ready to head out. We'll head back to the old red barn.

And on the drive out, lets take a drive-by picture of these beautiful flowers. . .

and another drive-by picture of the Cherry Tower.

And let's all wave good-bye to Mister Goat. *waving* Bye-bye Mister Goat!

And that was our trip this past weekend to
Murray Family Farms Oktoberfest Extravaganza!
Hope you enjoyed it! Happy Fall!
Linking up a little late to
Outdoor Wednesday, but please go over and visit everyone there. Ta-Ta!

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