Saturday, January 26, 2013

Home is Where the Heart Is

For some time now, we have been planning a trip down to Arizona to begin the house hunt.
We knew that Brett would be starting work sometime in July and figured we would get a good head start on things!

I am proud to say that after years of saving, planning, a week of looking & several panic attacks, 
well, I guess soon to be home owners--- we are building a house that is to be completed in July!

Brett and I will be settling in a new development within Goodyear, AZ this summer!
We both couldn't be more excited with the way things turned out.
Currently nothing exists except a big lot, but within 6 months time, it will be our home.
I honestly cannot wait for our little adventure to begin!

So what am I the most excited about you ask?
Well, if you had asked me 2 days ago, I would have probably said something like
 getting out of the below freezing degree weather...
 or perhaps how excited I am to decorate our cute abode...

After finalizing our contract and starting to dream up our home,
 I asked Brett the same question...
Giddily I said, "What are you the most excited for in the new house!?"
His response kinda caught me off guard and made me really think about how blessed I really am...
"The fact that you'll be there".

 I can't lie, I am super excited for a new home and for new opportunities to get creative,
but boy oh boy, I am excited to be beginning a new adventure with my sweetheart.
It's not the framework that makes a home, but the love inside.

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