Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I am Courtney.... I am a wife... I am blogger...
(whelp, that is one way to break the ice)

Prior to blogging, I was pretty against it. 
I found blogs to be deceiving because they mainly highlighted only the greatest moments in people's lives.
To be 100% honest, I found it all a little fake and superficial.
When I finally decided to start this blog, 
my idea was to capture the simple moments in Brett's and my life... real enough right?
I must admit starting a blog was one of the greatest decisions I ever made. 
My life is no where near perfect.
I definitely have my share of flaws...
...just to name a few while we are on the subject...
I am a perfectionist to the point where I will get my undies in a bundle over things.
I abhor running and working out
I drool when I sleep
I am self conscious about my weight
I am oober competitive
I don't have an athletic bone in my body
....aaaaaaand I love teeny bopper music (yes even the biebs).
I guess prior to starting this blog I was mainly focusing on my flaws.
I found myself comparing myself to others --- thinking about the things I DIDN'T have in my life.
You know what I have learned? 
Sometimes it is too easy to miss the special blessings and tender mercies in our lives.
Especially when all we are focused on is the negative.

Starting this blog has allowed me to focus on the simple and sweet blessings in my life...
It has also made something that has always been clear to me all the more vivid...
that is...
My happiness and ability to overlook the negative in my life derives from one thing.

Before I go into much details I guess I just want to say that I am very respectful of others' religious beliefs.
I recognize that not everyone shares my same beliefs.

For those of you who have visited my blog before, you know that
 I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It is never something that i have tried to hide.
I never hide it because it is something that brings me so much hope and happiness.
Even though I am no where near perfect, I know with surety that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me.
Each day, I find greater hope and happiness in that simple fact.
My beliefs are a HUGE part of my life today and the reason I have so much to look forward to.
My faith means a lot to me and so, I thought that for this post I would offer a way for you to learn a little more...especially if you’ve ever wondered what being a Mormon is all about.

In an effort to stand true to who we are and shed some light on the positive side of the LDS church
Mariel of  Or so she says gathered a group of Mormon bloggers together to share why they are Mormon.
I decided to join together with some of my favorite Mormon bloggers 

(perhaps they are some of your favorites too!) 
We would like to give you the opportunity to find out a little of what we believe and why.
 Maybe you know some of these ladies or already read their blogs too!

Leigh Anne ~ Your Homebased Mom

Mariel ~ One She Two She

Reachel ~ Cardigan Empire

Caroline ~ Armelle Blog

Carrian ~ Sweet Basil

Melissa ~ 320 Sycamore

Shandra ~ Deals to Meals

Kristyn ~ Lil' Luna

Kelli ~ Lolly Jane

Stephanie ~ Somewhat Simple

Becky ~ UCreate

Arianne ~ Still Parenting

Shawni ~ 71 Toes

Lindsey ~ The R House

Kirsten ~ The Crafting Chicks 

Melanie ~ Sugardoodle

Shelley ~ How Does She?
Would you like to receive a free copy of the packet? 
Are you genuinely interested in finding out what makes "us" tick? 
Why we have chosen to live this religion?
Or you've just had your curiosity peeked enough and you're thinking "why not! might be a fun read."?  

How does it work? 
If you are interested in learning more about why many of your favorite bloggers are Mormon, 
send me an email with your name and mailing address to :  
I will personally send a copy of it to you! (I will ship internationally too)
What will you get?:
A small booklet of the thoughts and personal feelings from  
the 30 wonderful women bloggers listed above plus a free copy of the Book of Mormon.

Why the Book of Mormon too? 
Well, because it is a major part of our lives and our religion. 
We believe The Book of Mormon to be another testament of Jesus Christ. 
 It does not replace the Bible, it goes hand-in-hand with it. 
It is the ancient records of prophets who lived in the Americas before, during and after Christ’s time on earth.

Of course you are under no obligation to read it....
 Or get baptized, or go to our church, or have 9 kids. 
What you do with it is entirely up to you, I just want you to have it.

With the blogger’s thoughts and the Book of Mormon, 
you’ll be able to get a good idea about what we believe and why being a “Mormon” is so special to us.

Because this information includes personal thoughts and stories,  
this information is only available to those who truly want to know our beliefs 
and who have an open mind and aren’t looking to ridicule or debate.

And if you’re worried that I’ll use your info to send missionaries to your home, I won’t.  
You get the packet, the Book of Mormon, and that’s it.  No strings attached.
Packages will be sent out during the last week of every month.

I just want to add that I have been a Mormon my entire life.
 I know it. I live it. I love it.
My beliefs give my life direction, 
they give me purpose and they give me comfort.


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