I kinda went "Amen" in my head because that was one of the major reasons why I started my blog. I've always loved to write but hated to write long hand with a pen and being able to just type on a screen sounded like a great idea to me.
And it was...in the beginning I would write three or four posts a day. Just random stuff, not always personal. But then somewhere along the way I got sidetracked into wanting lots of followers and trying to write about things that might interest them. So now when I get an idea about a post I think, "no one wants to hear about that."
Reading Audra's post reminded me that I started writing for ME and I should continue writing for ME, no matter how boring and dull my life might be, it's my life and my thoughts and I should write about them if it makes me happy, right?
That's what I think I should do. For instance my plans for today include a trip to Goodwill to try to find some sweaters so I can make these awesome sweater pillows that were featured by Yvonne at Frugal Missus. Will I actually make them? Probably not. I'm great at getting excited about projects and buying all the supplies and then putting them aside for another project and starting all over again. But I get such joy from the thought of doing it and purchasing the projects that it's almost enough except for all the crap I have in drawers and boxes!
I also plan to go get groceries and have lunch with my mom. I plan to wash all my bedding and maybe wash my car. I plan to watch a few movies and read a little of my book. So I guess with all this planning going on I best get off of the computer and get to getting right? Ya'll have a great day!
OH...almost forgot, what about you, why do you blog? Or what's your typical Saturday like?
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