Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm Obsessed with Pinterest

Are you Pinteresting???

I am! And I have been for a long time now. If you visit my PINTEREST PROFILE you will see that I have tons of boards (51) and tons of goodies in each board (1,249 pins).

At first I didn't get it. What was the big deal? You go to the home page and just look at pictures of stuff. Ok, kinda cool. Then you can click on the picture and it takes you to the pin of the person who pinned (shared) it, then you can click on the picture and it should take you to the original blog or website of the person who originally shared whatever it is, whether it be clothing, shoes, recipes, crafts, quotes, books...the possibilities are endless.

So you think, ok well...big deal? So you get to that persons site and then what? Well if it's a recipe it makes it really nice to keep all the recipes you see online together in one place so that if you're in the grocery store and you see chicken is on sale you can just go to your board for chicken recipes and Voila! You have the recipe easily at hand and can buy the ingredients you need. Like the Orange Chicken Recipe below which I had pinned and comes from . I had this Orange Chicken recipe on my board entitled "Chicken Delicious!"

But it's not just great for recipes. I have a board entitled DIY for Do It Yourself and this is where I'm putting ideas on things I want to try someday.  Like these crayon hearts made with Wax Paper and Crayon Shavings. In fact, right now would be a good time to get started on these in time for Valentines Day. This project is from the Martha Stewart Website.

Pinterest is also a great place to organize thoughts and words you see online or you hear quoted in other peoples blogs. I have a board entitled simply "Words" where I pin quotes and poems and song lyrics and other special things having to do with words. Here's one of my favorites from


Pinterst also has a search option so if you want to search for Low-Carb Recipes it will give you the boards of other Pinners that may have some pretty great recipes, tips and ideas on a Low-Carb lifesytle.
Is Pinterest something I can live without? Sure. But do I want to? No...I love it and it makes me happy and it's the simple things in life that makes us happy right?
Even if you don't create your own Pinterest Profile, please go visit mine, lots of goodies, I promise! 
**Oh, and I've created a new widget at the top of my latest blog post, right underneath my header that shows the most recent items I've pinned. Can you tell I'm a sucker for food pins?

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