Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blest be the Lord (Dan Schutte)

Blest Be the Lord, Blest Be The Lord
The God of mercy, the God who saves.
I shall not fear the dark of night,
Nor the arrow that files by day.
1. He will release me from the nets of sinful men,
He will release me from their wicked hands.
Beneath the shadow of His wings, I will rejoice,
To find a dwelling place secure.

2. I need not shrink before the terrors of the night,
Nor stand alone before the light of day.
No harm shall come to me, no arrow strike me down.
No evil settle in my soul.

3. Although a thousand men have fallen at my side,
I'll not be shaken with the Lord at hand.
His faithful Love is all the armor that I need
To wage the battle with the foe

Composer: Dan Schutte

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.  

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