Monday, April 15, 2013

Keshukoran [Thanksgiving] (Irene O'Connor)

Tuhan pencipta, kita sembah
Pada Tuhan yang mahakuasa
Shukor-lah kita, puji-lah kita
Pada Tuhan yang mahakuasa
1. Kerana matahari
Shukor-lah kita pada Tuhan
Bintang dan bulan
Shukor-lah kita

2. Kerana sungai dan laut
Shukor-lah kita pada Tuhan
Burong dan ikan
Shukor-lah kita

3. Kerana sawah padi
Shukor-lah kita pada Tuhan
Pokok dan bunga
Shukor-lah kita

English translation:

God who creates, we offer homage
to the God who is all powerful
We give you thanks, we praise you,
to the God who is all powerful
1. For the sun,
we give thanks to God
For the stars and the moon
we give thanks.

2. For rivers and seas
we give thanks to God
For the birds and fish
we give thanks.

3. For padi fields
we give thanks to God
For trees and flowers
we give thanks

Composer: Irene O'Connor (1973)

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.

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