I thought once a woman got to a certain age and a certain bodily function stopped, PMS was supposed to stop with it? Because that is sure not the case with me! Once I a month I still get really, really, really super irritated with the stupidity of people. The unfortunate thing is that I don’t realize it was PMS until a few days later, then I think, “Oh yeah…that’s why I was such a witch!”
But even though this is not a good day and I am feeling PMSey…I don’t think that I am wrong in being angry at people that can’t read and are too stupid to understand a simple concept written in plain English and posted on the door to our office!!
I realize, soliciting may be a big word to some people, but I am pretty sure that the lady that was here just now trying to sell me a deal on a Vegas getaway knew what the word meant. I told her quite nicely that I wasn’t a big fan of Vegas, don’t like all the cigarette smoke in the casino’s and she said, “Oh yeah, I totally agree, who wants to get cancer while on vacation” and then she proceeded to continue to try to tell me about their package!! I had to be rude and say, “No, seriously…I am not interested and walk away from her!”
That bugs the crap out of me, that someone can disregard a very nice request for “no soliciting” and come in and solicit anyway and then they FORCE ME to be rude to THEM!
I was just sitting here working and minding my own business and this little chick comes in here with her little spiel about Vegas!!!
And she’s not the only one, we get people coming in here all the time trying to sell us gym memberships, teeth whitening packages, paintings, purses, sunglasses, watches… heck, just this last Friday a man came in selling fresh meat out of this truck! Like I’m going to feed my family meat out of the back of some stranger’s truck!
Nope, I am not having a good day today. How is yours going?
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