Monday, August 27, 2012

And that's a wrap...
summer 2012

Can't quite get my head wrapped around the fact that the summer is over.
It truly seems like we were just beginning this beautiful season.
I feel like time is just flying by.
Kinda bitter sweet.

To be 100% honest, I am super excited to be entering our last year of school.
I look forward to new opportunities and new experiences.
I am happy that Brett will be able to move on and progress with his career.

At the same time, kinda sad to see it all behind us. 
I know that the amount of time that I get to spend with Brett will probably decrease 
(especially during busy tax season).
For the first time I get really sad at the thought of leaving family behind. 

I don't know... just a bunch of emotions running through this girls head. 

Regardless- It was one heck of a summer. 
I feel like so much has happened to both of us during the summer. 
We have both grown a lot.
As individuals and as a couple.

Top 5 Favorite things about Summer 2012

5. Youth Camps
Both Brett and I had the opportunity to go to youth camps this year for our church
I attended Girls Camp and Brett attended Scout Camp
We also had the opportunity to go to Youth Conference together.
It is an amazing thing to be influenced by the testimonies and examples of the youth.
We both truly cherish our callings and the experiences we get to share with these young people.

4. Work
We both put in a lot of hours this summer.
I am enjoying my job now more than ever.
We both are so grateful for the experience we are gaining at our jobs
and the growth we are making. 
Such a HUGE blessing.

3. The Food
Isn't there just something great about summer food?
I mean seriously so fresh and yummy.
We had fun trying out some new summer recipes this year.
You can also never go wrong with an awesome summer sno cone... am I wrong?

2. Family Time
We had a great time spending time with family this summer.
Watching movies, crawdad fishing, nickel city, BBQ's, bike rides.
We seriously love every second we get to spend with each of our families. 

1. Temple Time
Right before the summer began, Brett and I were called again to be ordinances workers.
However this time, we would be working in the Timpanogos Temple.
We worked the 5 am shift, which meant that every Friday morning 
we would be awake at 3:30 am prepping to go serve in the temple.
To be honest, it was a little brutal waking up at first--- but I'll tell you what,
I cannot even begin to describe the blessings that came from it. 

I will always remember the sweet moments I spent in the temple this summer.
I received so many answers to my prayers.
I feel like my testimony and understanding for the gospel was strengthened. 
By far, my favorite memories of the summer were spent in the sacred walls of the temple.

As Brett heads back to school, he won't be serving anymore 
(busy with his final semester in the masters program).
Again, it's kind of bitter sweet. 
I am not sure when our lives are going to slow down again, 
where we both get to be able to serve together in the temple.  

Ya know what?
It makes me all the more grateful for the opportunity we had this summer. 
Such a sweet and special memory.
I'm telling ya... this summer--- twas a good one.

This is a picture of Brett and I the last time we worked together at the temple last weekend.
It was pouring rain, so forgive the blurriness.
I kind of love the picture though. 
Again, reminds me what a great summer it was
and how much we both learned and grew.

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