Friday, August 17, 2012

me and you. and you and me.
no matter how they toss the dice. it has to be.
the only one for me is you. and you for me. 

What a weekend.
Even though Brett & I will share our anniversary in a couple weeks,
we decided to pack our bags and celebrate a little early with a short getaway
(considering Brett will be back in school during our anniversary).
We decided to leave behind the chaos of our busy lives and enjoy a 
sweet weekend of relaxation in park city. 
It has been nothing short of a hoot. Just what the Dr. ordered. 
The second we started heading up the canyon, we were in heaven. 

We have spent our time...
playing cribbage by the poolside
shopping at the outlets
sleeping in
walking around downtown park city
playing ping pong
watching movies
munching, munching, munching
& honestly--- just talking and sharing laughs together... 

One of my favorite things to do with Brett is recall how far we have come.
We spent time going over the last year of our lives and what we have done. 
We covered everything from holidays down to the small disagreements we have overcome.
It was hysterical and loving all in one. 

Truly, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world than with this man. 

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