Monday, August 6, 2012

I just realized how many things I have done for YWs that I haven't posted. 
I know that I have personally really struggled trying to find cute ideas for different things, 
So... with that being said,  I have decided that I going to start doing a better job
 of posting things that I get to create with my calling in hopes that it will provide others with some fun ideas!

One of the first creative projects we did as a new presidency was update the yw board.
Previously, it was all the old yw "bright value colors".
We transitioned the board to incorporate more of the pastel value colors. 
As you can see we also used a lot of cute pins from pinterest to decorate the board. 
 It was a little difficult because we needed to incorporate both the Spanish & English themes.
Nonetheless, we think it turned out pretty cute.

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