Tuesday, August 21, 2012

you & me going fishin' in the dark
(crawdad fishing that is...)

By far one of the greatest Cosgrove summer traditions- Crawdad Fishin.
Saturday afternoon the gang decided to pack up and head on up to Strawberry.
It was a blast to say the least. 
A day packed full of sunshine, laughs, and memories. 

It was this pretty girl's birthday, and what a way to have celebrated.
Can't believe she is 21. Holy macroll.
We took the time to open presents while at the Strawberry. 
We all love Carley very much and were so excited to be able to 
spend some time with her on her special day. 

If you have never crawdad fished before, it is quite the interesting process.
Tie raw chicken on a piece of rope and watch the little critters come running!

We decided to actually cook up the crawdads while we were up at the campsite. 
Dad decided to introduce a new and improved recipe, and let me tell you...
Absolutely scrumptious. Like a party in the mouth. 
We all had a blast shelling these bad boys and enjoying the great fishy taste.

After enjoying a delicious crawdad feast, we all had a blast just kicking back and laughing.
We stayed until it got dark playing games and cooking up smores.
Gosh I love these folks. 
Truly nowhere else in the world I would rather be than with them. 

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