Monday, August 13, 2012

So coming up, Brett and I will share our 2nd anniversary together.
Did I type that right? 
2 years.
Surely that puts us in a whole new category. 
Gosh time flies.
It seems like yesterday I was staring into Brett's teary eyes as we were being sealed for time and all eternity.
As cliche as it sounds, it was truly the best day of my life. 
Not because of the pretty dress, the flying bouquet, or the many beautiful details of the day...
but because of the life we were starting.
Growing up you dream of the prince and princess moment
but you don't realize that the ordinary part is actually far greater than the party.
We have grown together far more than I ever expected in these past 2 years...
and honestly- I could not be more grateful.

To my main man-
I love you more with everyday.
You still crack me up, and I hope it never stops. 
You spoil me rotten in the smallest of ways-
and the biggest of ways. 
You are my rock. 
You are still sweeping me off my feet, and I am certainly not complaining.
Here is to a lifetime of anniversaries.
I love you with all of my heart. 

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