Monday, August 6, 2012

Facing Personal Goliaths

Each Fast Sunday, we have a combined YW lesson taught be a presidency member.
I was really excited to be able to teach the girls this past week. 
Initially, I was really struggling as I tried to determine what to teach.
As soon as I came across the Ensign Article from President Monson, "Facing Your Goliaths", 
I just knew it was what Heavenly Father wanted the girls to hear. 
The lesson turned out great. 
The spirit was so strong as we discussed some of the "Goliaths" we as women often face. 
The girls named off things like...

Personal Image
Making and Keeping Good Friends

(isn't it funny how the adversary knows just how to get us?)
The spirit was definitely present as we discussed the "5 Stones" that we can use in 
order to fight and defeat our "Goliaths" in battle. 
Throughout the lesson I testified of Heavenly Father's personal love for each of the girls. 
Here are a few ideas and things I created for the lesson... feel free to use!

 For the table display, I printed the top pictures and put them in frames. 
I went in my backyard and found "5 Stones" and wrote the different points on them.
I would pull out a new stone and place it on the table as I would present the new topic.
I also found these really cute rock candies at Macey's. 
I packaged them up in a cute tube cellophane bag (found at Pebbles in my Pocket), 
and topped them off with some cute ribbon and a tag I created.

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