Sunday, April 7, 2013

By Your Kingly Power

By your kingly power O risen Lord.
All that Adam lost is now restored:
In your resurrection be adored.
1. Sing the joyful Easter cry,
Sound it to the souls in prison,
Shout our triumph to the sky:
Sing Christ risen, sing Christ risen.

2. Sing the joyful Easter cry,
Let all times and peoples listen:
Death has no more victory,
Sing Christ risen, sing Christ risen.

3. Death has lost and life has won;
Ev’ry newborn soul we christen
Now becomes the Father’s son:
Sing Christ risen, sing Christ risen

Words: James McAuley (1917-1976)
Tune: RUGGIERO, by Richard Connolly (b. 1927) 

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series

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