Sunday, July 21, 2013


I have had a lot people ask me for some creative birthday ideas for missionaries!
I often hear people saying that missionary birthdays are so hard because they don't want to get their 
missionary anything too impractical, too big (shipping is expensive!), too boring, etc.

As I have been thinking about my mission experience, I realized---  you know what? 
Missionary birthdays aren't all as hard as we make them out to be!
I mean seriously...they really only want one thing... LETTERS!

I remember while serving, for one of my birthdays, 
my mom took the time to gather notes and pictures from a bunch of people that I loved. 
Honestly, it was by far the best gift she could have ever given me. 
I cherished those letters more than any object or treat she could have ever sent me,.
In fact, I still have them today.

So, I decided to create a couple little mini birthday albums that you could send to your missionary for their birthday!
Yes, it takes a little work gathering the notes, but I promise, it will be SO worth it to your missionary. 

Below are 4x6 printable cards for an Elder and Sister missionary birthday album. 
The printables include a cover page, note cards for people to write their letters on, and a few cute quotes.
(you can download them by right clicking on the picture and selecting "save image as"...
you can copy and paste the images in a word document and manipulate the size as desired)  

You can print them off and hand them to people to fill out, wishing your missionary a very happy birthday!
If you are extra ambitious, you could also try gather a recent photo from the people that are writing the notes to include in the album as well. 

After gathering all the notes, all you will need to do is put them together and send them off to your missionary!
 (You can either put them in a 4x6 photo album, combine them on a ring, etc. - so many options!)

Show your missionary some love this birthday with lots of letters!



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