Wednesday, July 24, 2013


One of our young women's FAVORITE mutual activities was always game nights.
They had so much fun bringing their favorite board games and playing together while socializing and munching down on treats.

During one of my last planning sessions with the girls they decided that they wanted to plan another game night, 
but rather than playing the standard board games, they wanted to create their own original game.
As they brainstormed ideas for their game, they decided they wanted it's content to be more "church related".

Even though I have switched wards since, 
I loved their idea of creating an original game and decided to create a quick and fun activity based on their idea.

One of the girls all time favorite games to play together was Catch Phrase.
(I don't know what it was about that game, but they seriously could have played it for hours!)
I decided to create a play on words of the title Catch Phrase, and came up with
 "Catch the Wave Catch Phrase" 
The title and content comes from Elder Nielson's talk in General Conference titled, "Catch the Wave" (see here)
His talk focused on the importance of missionary work. 
The game I created is played almost exactly like the original Catch Phrase, but the words are focused on missionary work.

Below are a few downloads including the rules, a simple game board, and 120 different words and phrases to guess!

Even though I am posting this as a young women activity I think
this could also be a fun game to play in a family home evening type setting.

Again the rules are almost the same as the original catch phrase, however, 
instead of passing around a disk with words, I created words to cut out and draw from a pile. 
The team not holding a word in their hand at the end of the timer, scores a point. 

You can download a copy of the rules by clicking here 

Above is a simple board that you could print off to keep track of points. 
Honestly you could probably make due without it, I just like things to coordinate :)

You can download a copy of the board tracker by clicking here

I created 120 different missionary oriented words that you can print and cut out to play with!

You can download page 1 of the Catch the Wave Catch Phrases by clicking here
You can download page 2 of the Catch the Wave Catch Phrases by clicking here
You can download page 3 of the Catch the Wave Catch Phrases by clicking here

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