Monday, July 8, 2013

Life in the Making: 23 Weeks

The baby bump is really making its debut.
Everyone told me it would just pop out one day.
But I feel like every day it pops out more.
When I got to see Brett last week he could hardly believe it.
He just kept touching my stomach in disbelief and asking me what it feels like to be pregnant.
 I laughed thinking how could I possibly describe what it feels like to watch your belly turn into a ball.
It is magical.

No new cravings are emerging this week.
However sweets sound good again.
Oh dear.
I am definitely more hungry as time goes on.
I still can't eat big meals but want to snack all day.

Every night I fall asleep on my left side - trying to obey that rule.
But I find myself waking up every.single.night. around 1 or 2.
I think its a combination of my wild and crazy pregnancy dreams, growing pains and having to go to the bathroom.

I have also felt incredibly tired again this week and have started to feel some serious "growing pains" in my belly.
But I will take the pains to watch my belly grow.

He is moving like crazy.
The movements have now gone from little flutters - to jolts.
I can actually see my stomach move with him.
I have found myself wondering if he is going to be a super active baby because I swear all this movement isn't normal.
Last night he responded to pokes and prods for the first time.
Hoping it wasn't just a fluke.
I simply adore his movements already.

I finally walked down the baby isle for the first time.
I have been avoiding it because I knew I would get overwhelmed.
I was right.
 I didn't know half the things I was looking at.
I decided to go to the baby clothes section and stick to something I actually know how to shop for.
Okay but seriously, what is necessary for a first time mommy?
 I am in need of some serious recommendations...

Also, last weekend this little baby boy and I were showered with love.
My mother-in-law and mom hosted a baby shower to remember and people came from far and wide.
I couldn't help but feel so much gratitude and appreciation. 
This little baby boy is already loved by so many and I am feeling overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and love.

It is always so nice to be around people who made you who you are.
I could easily say something about every one of the women who attended.

Teresa and Tami practically raised me alongside my Mom.
Jessica Savage never ceases to amaze me and I am so glad she was able to come. Love that girl.
The Perry's, Aitken's, and Keele's have always been so kind and welcoming to me in the family. I was so grateful to be surrounded by their love.
Carley and Caitlyn always know how to put a smile on my face.
I was glad to receive many hugs from people in our ward... people who have touched and inspired my life in more ways than I can express.
Annie and Trevor happened to be in town - and I loved getting to see their darling kiddos.
High school friends drove from all over.  It was such a blast catching up.

All I can say is that these people have had such a major impact on my life.
Now, if I can just take everything they have taught me into motherhood.
Fingers crossed. 

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