Monday, July 29, 2013


I will never forget the moment that I opened my mission calling.
It was a surreal and spiritual experience that honestly cannot be described. 
I remember immediately feeling overwhelmed with love for the people I would be serving and gratitude for my Heavenly Father.
I remember the night I opened my calling, I decided to read in Preach My Gospel about "My Purpose " as a newly called missionary.
As I read it, it gave me the exact confidence I needed to hit the ground running 
as I prepared to enter the MTC and later as I served in the mission field. 

In Preach My Gospel every missionary's purpose is clearly outlined.
It is a powerful description.
Every full time missionary knows what their purpose is. 
It gives them a goal, a direction, an understanding, and fills their hearts with love for the people they are serving.

I decided to create a bookmark that includes the Missionary Purpose from Preach My Gospel.
Again, it is such a powerful statement, and if you aren't familiar with it, 
I would highly encourage you to take a look and read it over!
Because let's be honest --- it is not only applicable to missionaries out in the field!

I decided to branch out a bit and recreate these in a few different languages including English, Spanish, & French.
Each bookmark also includes a front and back that you can print off and stick together.
Again, I made these bookmarks with missionaries in mind, but honestly, the purpose is applicable to everyone! 

You can find the downloads for each bookmark below!
Please enjoy as you read them over and print them out! 

To download Sister "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in English Click Here

To download Sister "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in Spanish Click Here

To download Sister "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in French Click Here

To download Elder "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in English Click Here

To download Elder "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in Spanish Click Here

To download Elder "My Missionary Purpose Bookmark" in French Click Here

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