Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I had someone give me the suggestion the other day to make some simple flashcards to help children memorize the Articles of Faith.
I thought it was such a cute idea and thought I would share what I came up with!

I made a front and back for each Article of Faith flashcard
On one side, it shows the actual Article of Faith. 
On the other side, it shows a picture and a word associated with the Article of Faith
 (to be used as a reminder as the child is learning and practicing). 

My thought was that both sides could be printed and glued together. 
You could either keep the flashcards separate 
or you could punch a hole in the corner of the flashcards and put them on a small ring. 
I personally like  the idea of putting them on a ring because it will help keep the cards together. 
Also, below is a front cover and back cover if you decide to put them on a ring! 

Please enjoy!

(you can download them by right clicking on the picture and selecting "save image as"...
you can copy and paste the images in a word document and manipulate the size as desired) 


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