Saturday, June 22, 2013

I am getting really excited about next month's YW "Come Follow Me" curriculum
 because it is all about ordinances and covenants. 
I decided to get a head start on creating some various handouts for the month. 
The lesson outline for these particular handouts is... 

"Why are temple ordinances important?"

Feel free to print off and use for your lessons!

(you can download them by right clicking on the picture and selecting "save image as"...
you can copy and paste the images in a word document and manipulate the size as desired) 

This quote came from the talk from President Monson titled,
I loved reading this talk because it was such a great reminder of why the temple is so important. 
You can print this handout in any size (small to fit in the girls scriptures, or large to post on their wall).

I was also very inspired by the talk given by Elder Scott titled, 
The talk was awesome and gave a lot of great examples of why the temple is important in our day.
I was especially touched by the challenge given by Elder Scott at the end of his talk.
He encourages us to set goals based on our temple attendance. 

I decided to create that in two different handout ideas. 

The  first is the handout above which is simply the quote from Elder Scott 
that can be printed out for each girl and placed in their room, scriptures, etc. 
as a reminder of the importance of their temple attendance. 

The second one below has a front and back that you could combine. 
The front is the quote again from Elder Scott,
 and the back provides each YW a place to actually write down their thoughts and goals.

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