Monday, June 10, 2013

what makes a home

So it is officially 1 month until we close on our home and get the keys to move in. 
I remember the excitement we both felt as we stood on a dirt lot and imagined our future.

So much has happened since that moment. 
Not only has a foundation been poured, walls been built, and a roof been laid,
but so much has happened changed and shifted in our lives. 

Brett graduated from BYU.
We received the miracle of a lifetime when we found out we were expecting.
Brett moved to Phoneix to begin working for Deloitte.
I finished working for Vivint after 3 years. 
Life changing things I tell you....

Lately I have been anxiously preparing for the big move and our future family. 
I have been so focused on trying to make sure that everything will be perfect for our new home. 
You know what I mean, the perfect furniture, the perfect colors, the perfect decorations, etc.
My thoughts have been consumed as I have been busy budgeting for the new house, 
buying odds and ends, and spending hours on pinterest searching for cute decorating ideas...

Lately I have begun asking myself ... what really makes a home?

It's becoming more and more obvious to me that a home is so much more than a pretty couch or a beautiful wall color...

This past weekend I visited the Parade of Homes with my in-laws.
It was such a fun adventure and the houses we visited were each breathtakingly gorgeous. 
They were all SO enormous and probably near perfect in every physical sense.

Halfway through the day and after visiting many spectacular houses, 
my father-in-law asked me the question.
"So Courtney, does this make you want more?"
I honestly responded, "No."

Sure the homes were gorgeous ... but they were missing the things that are most significant to me in a home...

...the love, security, joy, and memories.
I am realizing that these things don't come from having the perfect house, 
but rather, the perfect home.

I am now trying to focus more on how I can establish a home for our a family...
a home of support
a home of security
a home of memories
a home of encouragement
a home centered on the Savior
a home of love...

Isn't that really what makes a house a home?

There is only a month before we get to move into our new home.
I can't even imagine what is in store for us. 

Until then, I look forward to not only a beautiful new house,
but a place where we can start to grow our family and continue to learn, grow,
and share our love for each other. 

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