Friday, June 7, 2013

The Candy is Crushing my Will to Blog!!

There is a new addiction out there in the world. One more dangerous and deadly than crack cocaine. 

One that steals your will to be creative, that ruins your friendships, that keeps you from blogging! Well maybe it just keeps me from blogging, but anyway, what is it you ask? 

 It's a wolf in sheep's clothing and it's called, CANDY CRUSH!!!

Wikipedia says of this wolf "Candy Crush Saga is a video game for smartphones and Facebook that was released on November 14, 2012.[1] It was developed by King. As of March 2013, "Candy Crush Saga" surpassed FarmVille 2 as the most popular game on Facebook, with 45.6 million average monthly users.[2][3] It is a variation on their browser game Candy Crush.

It looks innocent enough...sweet little candies, who doesn't like candy? The object of the game is to line up three little candies and that makes them disappear and you score points. Each level gets gradually more difficult and combinations of candy appear. Striped candies and candy bombs...oh my! Before you know it you would sell your soul just to move on to the next level.

For the past few weeks I have been mesmerized and addicted! I even got my co-worker hooked so I didn't have to be ashamed to be playing the game alone during breaks and lunch hours.

Hello, my name is Alicia and I am a Candy Crush Addict.

As of today I am going to break the bonds of addiction by following the 12 Steps to Breaking the Candy Crush Addiction.

1. Admit that I am powerless over these sweet little candies and that my life has become just one big Candy Bomb waiting to explode!

2. Decide that I will not click on the Candy Crush app button to the left of my Facebook wall.

3. Admit that I will not download this application to my smart phone as I know I cannot control it on my PC.

4. Make a decision to turn my life back to blogging, to help take my mind off of those sweet little candies and those happy little crackly noises the game makes.

5. Realize and admit that "one more level" will never be enough and I will never find satisfaction and true happiness at the click of a mouse on a bright little candy.

6. I will admit to myself, to my blogging community, to my facebook friends and family and to my partners in crime, my fellow candy crushers that I need their support on a daily basis to rid myself of this addiction.

7. I will attempt to drag my friend Angelica back from the precipice of the danger I placed her in when I first sent her an invitation to play this harmless little game.

8. I will make the decision to not be an enabler and I will not send lives and extra moves to fellow Candy Crush addicts.

9. I will continue to remove myself from the Candy Crush addiction by blogging more and visiting my blogging buddies more and finding new interests that don't involve candy or Candy Crush.

10. When I feel the irresistable urge to play Candy Crush, when my fingers are itching and I know that I cannot fight the monkey on my back alone, I will turn off my computer and find other interests in the real world and not the world of CandyLand.

11. I resolve to spread this message of hope against this devastating addiction to other's that might need my help and to be there to slap their silly little hands and knock those mices, meeses, mouses? out of their hands!

12. And finally, I make the decision today to stay away from Candy Crush...just as soon as I pass level 49...or at least until I pass level 50 because that would make it an even number and half of a hundred and I can stop at that point, I know I can. I will have the willpower because I will follow the above 11 steps...after just "one more level" though...ok?

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