Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Life in the making: It's a Boy

When we initially found out we were pregnant,
 we debated whether or not we should find out the gender of our first little one. 
To be honest I had mixed feeling about finding out the baby's gender.
Brett on the other hand, well... he insisted we know...Mr.Planner.

After a few weeks of walking through the baby clothes sections, I realized...
I just HAD to know too. 
(I have never really been the most patient type anyways.)

As we woke up on Wednesday morning and prepared to go to the ultrasound
 I was giddy with excitement.

As we sat in the ultrasound room our eyes were both glued 
to the TV watching  every little move from our little one.
Our doctor instantly knew.
It's a boy. 

After the appointment, and as we began our drive home,
 I couldn't help but feel SO grateful and so overwhelmed with emotions.
A little boy. 

For some reason, I instantly felt closer to our little one.
The fact that we will be having a new guy join our family in the matter of months, 
became all the more real.

As I sat there continuing to think,
tears began to roll down my face as I realized he would be like his dad.

A Peacemaker

How grateful I am to have two men in my life who are just perfect for me.

There are so many people who already love him and can't wait for his arrival.
Brett and I are so excited to have this sweet little boy join our family. 

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