Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Ugliness of Reality TV - From Left to Write

Have you ever watched the Jerry Springer Show? If you are a fan, you may want to quit reading now, fair warning!

For those that have never watched the show let me wrap it up by saying it’s a show promoting all the ugliness that is America on reality TV shows.

Jerry and his staff have a knack for finding those people that would sell their momma’s souls for their 15 minutes of fame and a little bit of cash!

The majority of their episodes deal with “Are you my daddy” and “Who is my daddy” and couples that have affairs with other people. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anything else on Jerry's show.

I tried to find a video I could post for anyone that hasn't seen the show but after watching a few of them it just got so depressing. Human beings at their worse! The shows that deal with paternity are so sad and pathetic and I feel so sorry for the children involved…but the ones dealing with infidelity are the ones that anger me the most! It just seems to me that on the show and in real life, that whenever one spouse cheats on the other spouse, the spouses always forgive each other but are angry at the person that the spouse had the affair with.

I think I've posted before how crazy I think that is. To my way of thinking, if you are married to someone, they promised to love you and be true to you and they broke that promise to you. The other person that they had the affair with, be it a man or woman, that other person never made a promise to either why would you want to beat them up, like they do on the Jerry Springer Show and yet they choose to forgive the cheating spouse?

This just does not make sense to me! I don't want to spoil the book that I read this month for my book club, From Left to Write, so I won't say anymore, but the book inspired me to write this post.

This post was inspired by the novel Those We Love Most by Lee Woodruff. Every family has its secrets and deceptions, but they come to surface when a tragic accident changes the family dynamic forever.. Join From Left to Write on June 6 as we discuss Those We Love Most. You can also enter to win a live video chat with Lee Woodruff! As a member, I received a copy of the book for review purposes.

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