Sunday, February 28, 2010
Said Judas to Mary (Judas and Mary)
Said Judas to Mary now what will you do
With your ointment so rich and so rare?
I'll pour it all over the feet of the Lord
And I'll wipe it away with my hair, she said,
I'll wipe it away with my hair
O Mary o Mary, O think of the poor,
This ointment it could have been sold
And think of the blankets and think of the bread
You could buy with the silver and gold he said
You could buy with the silver and gold
Tomorrow tomorrow I'll think of the poor
Tomorrow she said not today
For dearer than all of the poor in the world
Is my love who is going away she said
My love who is going away
Said Jesus to Mary,
"Your love is so deep,
Today you may do as you will.
Tomorrow you say
I am going away,
But my body I leave with you still," He said,
"My body I leave with you still."
"The poor of the world
Are my body," He said
"To the end of the world they shall be.
The bread and the blankets
You give to the poor
You'll know you have given to me," He said,
"You'll know you have given to me."
"My body will hang
On the cross of the world,
Tomorrow," He said, "Not today.
And Martha and Mary
Will find me again
And wash all the sorrow away," He said,
"And wash all the sorrow away.
Composer: Sydney Carter (1964)
Jesus Christ, Bread of Life (Taizé)

Jesus Christ, Bread of Life,
Those who come to you will not hunger.
Jesus Christ, Risen Lord,
Those who trust in you will not thirst.
See also original English version: Eat This Bread
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Saturday, February 27, 2010
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß (Germany)
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß
O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß,
darum Christus seins Vaters Schoß
äußert und kam auf Erden;
von einer Jungfrau rein und zart
für uns er hier geboren ward,
er wollt der Mittler werden.
Den Toten er das Leben gab
und tat dabei all Krankheit ab,
bis sich die Zeit herdrange,
daß er für uns geopfert würd,
trüg unsrer Sünden schwere Bürd
wohl an dem Kreuze lange.
So laßt uns nun ihm dankbar sein,
daß er für uns litt solche Pein,
nach seinem Willen leben.
Auch laßt uns sein der Sünde feind,
weil uns Gotts Wort so helle scheint,
Tag, Nacht danach tun streben,
die Lieb erzeigen jedermann,
die Christus hat an uns getan
mit seinem Leiden, Sterben.
O Menschenkind, betracht das recht,
wie Gottes Zorn die Sünde schlägt,
tu dich davor bewahren!
Words: Sebald Heyden (1530)
Music: Matthias Greitter (1525)
El Senyor (Taizé)
See also other versions:
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Sunday Favorites - Favorites Foods

So, what I wanted to share today was food. Well...not food, but a post about food. Hope you enjoy it and be sure to visit Chari at Happy to Design and see what favorites others in Blogland are sharing today.
Happy Sunday!
NOVEMBER 1, 2009
So as mentioned in the previous post, my contribution to the office Halloween party was Broccoli Salad. I got this recipe from a good friend named Stacie. She really didn't want to share it because everywhere she went that's what she took and she always got tons of compliments. I had to promise and swear that I would never take the dish to the same event she was going to. And I haven't, especially since now she's living in San Diego and I never see her anymore!
Here's the ingredients first. The only thing missing is the sugar because I couldn't reach the Sugar container when I was taking the pictures. But don't forget the sugar, that's what makes this salad.

Here's the salad all put together. It tastes much better if you let it sit overnight, but if you can't wait, it still tastes great the second you make it. I love this stuff!

Since I wanted to save my appetite for the salad for the next day I had to make something for myself for dinner that night and that's what this next picture is. I made myself a Frito Chip Salad. It's kind of like a fancy Frito Boat that you can get at a high school football game.
It's super simple and no real recipe is needed. You just open up your favorite can of chili beans or chili with no beans, up to you. You dice up some lettuce, some tomatoes and some black olives. Place Frito's in a plate or bowl, pour heated chili over them, top with shredded cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and olives and your favorite salsa. I like Pace Picante Sauce, medium hot and I like to place the whole bottle in the blender and grind it up. Then just dig in. Simple, fast and sooooo good!

And now here's the recipe for the Broccoli Salad...Enjoy!
Broccoli Salad
1 large head broccoli
1 med onion chopped finely
1 c. grated cheddar cheese (I use medium)
1/2 lb. bacon cooked & chopped (I cheat and buy the package of bacon pieces, see the photo above)
1 c. mayonnaise
2 Tbl Vinegar (You can use fancy flavored or wine vinegar, but I use plain old distilled vinegar and that works just fine)
1/2 c. sugar (Important point, you can also use Splenda if your watching your weight or are diabetic or just want to eat healthier)
Method: Grate cheese (unless you're like me and bought pre-shredded cheese, again see picture above). Chop the onion and cut the broccoli into small pieces, you will want to slice the stem portion really thin. Combine the ingredients for the dressing and pour over the salad ingredients. Mix Well.
You can also add any other veggies you like such as tomatoes, black olives (hmmm, are those a veggie?) or cucumbers.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Germany)
1. Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir,
Herr Gott, erhör mein Rufen.
Dein gnädig Ohren kehr zu mir
Und meiner Bitt sie öffen.
Denn so du willst das sehen an,
Was Sünd und Unrecht ist getan,
Wer kann, Herr, vor dir bleiben?
2. Bei dir gilt nichts denn Gnad und Gonst,
Die Sünden zu vergeben.
Es ist doch unser Tun umsonst
Auch in dem besten Leben.
Vor dir niemand sich rühmen kann,
Des muß dich fürchten jedermann
Und deiner Gnaden leben.
3. Darum auf Gott will hoffen ich
Auf mein Verdienst nicht bauen;
Auf ihn mein Herz soll lassen sich
Und seiner Güte trauen,
Die mir zusagt sein wertes Wort,
Das ist mein Trost und treuer Hort,
Des will ich allzeit harren.
4. Und ob es währt bis in die Nacht
Und wieder an den Morgen,
Doch soll mein Herz an Gottes Macht
Verzweifeln nicht noch sorgen.
So tu Israel rechter Art,
Der aus dem Geist erzeuget ward,
Und seines Gotts erharre.
5. Ob bei uns ist der Sünden viel,
Bei Gott ist viel mehr Gnaden;
Sein Hand zu helfen hat kein Ziel
Wie groß auch sei der Schaden.
Er ist allein der gute Hirt,
Der Israel erlösen wird
Aus seinen Sünden allen.
Setting of Psalm 130 (De Profundis)
Text & Music: Martin Luther (1524) Bio in English / German
Laudate Omnes Gentes (Taizé)

Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I'm still Alive!
I'm still alive...but just barely.
Last week on Wednesday I started with a little scratchiness in my throat. The next morning I left along with my mom, my sister and my brother Fred and his family to Arizona.
That's the state the flag in the previous post belongs to...ARIZONA, state of my birth!
We went to Arizona to attend the funeral of my mother's sister, my Tia Herminia. It was sad to have to go for such a reason, but there's always a silver lining which I'll post about soon.
I didn't feel too great on Thursday when we left but I started taking some antibiotics my sister had left over and I hung in there all that day while I drove about 10 hours to Phoenix, Arizona.
My body actually hung in there Friday, Saturday and for the long 10 hour drive home on Sunday. Sunday night I was coughing so bad I took some cough medicine with Codeine and I've been feeling it ever since. Today is the first day that I've actually felt like I have a brain and I'm not a Zombie!
I've gone to work each day, cause I'm sodootiful dutiful. But this cold has really kicked my butt. So much so that I haven't even watched American Idol!!!!! You know something is wrong with me when I miss me my American Idol!
But I have lots of photos to show you and lots of stories about Arizona. Just bear with me and we'll all get through this together. Oh guys aren't sick, just me!
Last week on Wednesday I started with a little scratchiness in my throat. The next morning I left along with my mom, my sister and my brother Fred and his family to Arizona.
That's the state the flag in the previous post belongs to...ARIZONA, state of my birth!
We went to Arizona to attend the funeral of my mother's sister, my Tia Herminia. It was sad to have to go for such a reason, but there's always a silver lining which I'll post about soon.
I didn't feel too great on Thursday when we left but I started taking some antibiotics my sister had left over and I hung in there all that day while I drove about 10 hours to Phoenix, Arizona.
My body actually hung in there Friday, Saturday and for the long 10 hour drive home on Sunday. Sunday night I was coughing so bad I took some cough medicine with Codeine and I've been feeling it ever since. Today is the first day that I've actually felt like I have a brain and I'm not a Zombie!
(Put some glasses on this little cartoon girl and I look exactly like that, even on a good day!)
I've gone to work each day, cause I'm so
But I have lots of photos to show you and lots of stories about Arizona. Just bear with me and we'll all get through this together. Oh guys aren't sick, just me!
The God of Abraham Praise (Tune: LEONI)
The God of Abraham praise,
who reigns enthroned above;
Ancient of Everlasting Days,
and God of Love;
Jehovah, great I AM!
by earth and heaven confessed;
I bow and bless the sacred name
forever blest.
The great I AM has sworn;
We on this oath depend.
We shall, on eagle wings upborne,
to heaven ascend.
We shall behold God's face;
We shall God's power adore,
and sing the wonders of God's grace
The goodly land we see,
with peace and plenty blest;
a land of sacred liberty,
and endless rest.
There milk and honey flow,
and oil and wine abound,
and trees of life forever grow
with mercy crowned.
There dwells the Lord, our King,
the Lord, our Righteousness,
triumphant o'er the world and sin,
the Prince of Peace;
on Zion's sacred height
his kingdom he maintains,
and, glorious with his saints in light,
for ever reigns.
The God who reigns on high
the great archangels sing,
and "Holy, holy, holy!" cry
"Almighty King!
Who was, and is, the same,
and evermore shall be:
Jehovah, Lord, the great I AM,
we worship thee!"
The whole triumphant host
give thanks to God on high;
"Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost"
they ever cry;
hail, Abraham's God and mine;
I join the heavenly lays;
all might and majesty are thine,
and endless praise!
Words: Paraphrase of the Yigdal by Thomas Olivers (1725-1799)
Music: LEONI 66.84D
Bénissez le Seigneur (Taizé)

O ___ Bénissez le Seigneur (Let us sing to the Lord)
O ___ Bénissez le Seigneur (Let us sing to the Lord)
O ___ Bénissez le Seigneur, Bénissez le Seigneur (Let us sing to the Lord, Let us sing to the Lord)
Paraphrase of the Benedicite (Daniel 3:35-66)
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Morning Prayer,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Save Us, O Lord (Bob Dufford)
Save us, O Lord; carry us back.O Shepherd of Israel, hear us.
Rouse your power and come.
Rescue your people; show us your face.
Bring us back.
Return and we shall be saved.
Arise, O Lord;
hear our cries, O Lord:
bring us back! (Refrain)
How long will you hide from your people?
We long to see your face.
Give ear to us.
Draw near to us.
Lord God of hosts! (Refrain)
Turn again; care for your vine;
protect what your right hand has planted.
Your vineyards are trampled,
uprooted, and burned.
Come to us, Father of might! (Refrain)
Paraphrase of Psalm 80
Composer: Bob Dufford (1981)
See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.
Bob Dufford,
Contemporary Catholic,
Ubi Caritas (Taizé)
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Holy Week,
Maundy Thursday,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (England)
1. O love, how deep, how broad, how high,
it fills the heart with ecstasy,
that God, the Son of God, should take
our mortal form for mortals' sake!
2. For us baptized, for us he bore
his holy fast and hungered sore,
for us temptation sharp he knew;
for us the tempter overthrew.
3. For us he prayed; for us he taught;
for us his daily works he wrought;
by words and signs and actions thus
still seeking not himself, but us.
4. For us to evil power betrayed,
scourged, mocked, in purple robe arrayed,
he bore the shameful cross and death,
for us gave up his dying breath.
5. For us he rose from death again;
for us he went on high to reign;
for us he sent his Spirit here,
to guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.
6. All glory to our Lord and God
for love so deep, so high, so broad:
the Trinity whom we adore,
forever and forevermore.
Text: Latin 15th century, attributed to Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471). Trans. Benjamin Webb (1819-1885)
Music: DEO GRACIAS LM, "Agincourt Carol" (Trinity College MS, circa 1415)
Per Crucem (Taizé)

Per crucem et passionem tuam
Libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, Domine
Per crucem et passionem tuam
Libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, Domine
Per sanctam resurrectionem tuam
Libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, libera nos Domine, Domine
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Monday, February 22, 2010
Be Not Afraid (Bob Dufford)
You shall cross the barren desert, but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words in foreign lands and all will understand.
You shall see the face of God and live.
If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown.Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come follow me, and
I will give you rest.
If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that
I am with you through it all. (Refrain)
Blessed are your poor, for the kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn, for one day you shall laugh.
And if wicked men insult and hate you all because of me, blessed, blessed are you! (Refrain)
Composer: Bob Dufford (1943)
See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.
Bleibiet Hier (Taizé)
Bleibet hier und machet mit mir.
Wachet und betet,
wachet und betet.
See also the English version: Stay With Me
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I'm you didn't know I was gone!

Yep, I left Thursday morning and just got back home.
The image above should give you a hint as to where I went.
It's been such a grueling day that I'm going to take a shower; take some Tylenol w/Codeine and call it a night because I have

there's no place like home...
Click, Click (me clicking my heels together to carry me off to bed).
Come Back To Me (Hosea)
Come back to me with all your heart.
Don't let fear keep us apart.
Trees do bend, 'though straight and tall;
so must we ot others' call.
Long have I waited for your comingThe wilderness will lead you
home to me and living deeply our new life.
to your heart where I will speak.
Integrity and justice,
With tenderness, you shall know. (Refrain)
You shall sleep secure with peace;
faithfulness will be your joy. (Refrain)
Paraphrase of Hosea 6:1, 3:3, 2:16,21; Joel 2:12
Words & Music: Gregory Norbet (b. 1940)
See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.
Contemporary Catholic,
Tu mecum es (Taizé)
Tu mecum es.
Non timebo mala.
Misericordia tua subsequitur me
omnibus diebus vitae meae.
You are with me. I fear no evil.
Your mercy will follow me all the days of my life.
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Here I Am, Lord (Dan Schutte)
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
My hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
Give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send? (Refrain)
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will send the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide,
'Til their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send? (Refrain)
Paraphrase of Isaiah 6:8 and 1 Samuel 3.
Composer: Dan Schutte (1981).
See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.
Contemporary Catholic,
Dan Schutte,
Bóg jest miłością (Taizé)

Bóg jest miłością
Miejcie odwagę zyc dla miłości
See also the German version: Gott ist nur Liebe
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Friday, February 19, 2010
Attende Domine, Et Miserere
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Ad te Rex summe,
omnium Redemptor,
oculos nostros
sublevamus flentes:
exaudi, Christe,
supplicantum preces.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Dextera Patris,
lapis angularis,
via salutis,
ianua caelestis,
ablue nostri
maculas delicti.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Rogamus, Deus,
tuam maiestatem:
auribus sacris
gemitus exaudi:
crimina nostra
placidus indulge.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Tibi fatemur
crimina admissa:
contrito corde
pandimus occulta:
tua, Redemptor,
pietas ignoscat.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Innocens captus,
nec repugnans ductus;
testibus falsis
pro impiis damnatus
quos redemisti,
tu conserva, Christe.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Plainchant, 10th century, Mode V
See my other blog postings in the plainchant series.
In Manus Tuas, Pater (Taizé)
See also:
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Iedere nacht (Taizé)

Iedere nacht verlang ik naar u, O God,
ik hunker naar u met heel mijn ziel.
Iedere nacht verlang ik naar u, O God,
ik hunker naar u met heel mijn ziel.
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Return to God (Marty Haugen)
Return to God with all your heart, the source of grace and mercy;Now the time of grace has come, the day of salvation;
Come seek the tender faithfulness of God
Come and learn now the way of our God. (Refrain)
I will take your heart of stone and place a heart within you,
A heart of compassion and love. (Refrain)
If you break the chains of oppression,
If you set the pris'ner free;
If you share your bread with the hungry,
Give protection to the lost;
Give shelter to the homeless,
Clothe the naked in your midst,
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn. (Refrain)
Words & Music: Marty Haugen (b. 1950)
See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.
Misericordias Domini (Taizé)
Misericordias Domini
in aeternum cantabo.
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs - Does Life Get Any Better?
My sister Lisa and I like to get together on Friday's after work and do something special. Kinda to treat ourselves cause we managed to get through another day and "the man" didn't kill us! Usually we eat! Duh, no surprise there. We love our food!
A couple of weeks ago, my brother in law, Sean (affectionately known by all as Guero) got in on our Friday night act by making dinner for us. My sister called me and told me that her husband was making us Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs. Just to let you know Lisa's feelings about bacon; her favorite motto is "Any day with Bacon is a good day".
Now I'd heard about bacon wrapped hot dogs from my sister in law Norma who hails from a small town in Mexico called Caborca. Bacon wrapped hot dogs are apparently one the specialties there and she'd always promised to make them for us someday. We could wait no longer Norma, sorry.
I gotta say, they were scrumptiously delicious! My brother in law wrapped them in a thick cut bacon that's sold in the meat department of the store my nephew Sean works at, Apple Market. He wrapped the bacon around them, secured the edges with toothpicks and then placed them on a cookie sheet in the oven where he lovingly kept watch over them turning them every few minutes so that every single delicious curve of bacon was cooked.
He then set out a smorgasbord of condiments! We had finely chopped onion, jalapenos, tomatoes, lettuce, chili beans, cheese, ketchup, mayo, relish, and mustard. I'll have a little of everything, thank you! They were delicious and like nothing I had ever had.
So a couple of weeks later I decided to try making them. I didn't have the thick cut bacon, just regular cut, actually it seemed to me the bacon I had was extra thin. This made it much easier for it to adhere to the hot dog, it just kinda sucked itself to the weenie. (Hahaha, don't you love the word weenie?)
Anyway, I didn't even need to secure the edges with anything, the bacon just stayed sucked on. I carefully turned them as my brother in law did and they came out great!
I didn't have all the condiments, but I did have some diced up red onion and jalapeno that I had left over from the chili beans I made for Super Bowl, so I used those and OH MY GOSH, if you do nothing else this weekend, make these hotdogs. They are out of this world and your kids will love them and you don't even need the bun if you're on a low carb/high protein diet..MAKE THEM!!!
I also am a huge fan of bacon wrapped shrimp and I don't even like shrimp. I also love bacon wrapped water chestnuts, mmmmmmmm. What do you like to wrap your bacon around?
A couple of weeks ago, my brother in law, Sean (affectionately known by all as Guero) got in on our Friday night act by making dinner for us. My sister called me and told me that her husband was making us Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs. Just to let you know Lisa's feelings about bacon; her favorite motto is "Any day with Bacon is a good day".
Now I'd heard about bacon wrapped hot dogs from my sister in law Norma who hails from a small town in Mexico called Caborca. Bacon wrapped hot dogs are apparently one the specialties there and she'd always promised to make them for us someday. We could wait no longer Norma, sorry.
I gotta say, they were scrumptiously delicious! My brother in law wrapped them in a thick cut bacon that's sold in the meat department of the store my nephew Sean works at, Apple Market. He wrapped the bacon around them, secured the edges with toothpicks and then placed them on a cookie sheet in the oven where he lovingly kept watch over them turning them every few minutes so that every single delicious curve of bacon was cooked.
He then set out a smorgasbord of condiments! We had finely chopped onion, jalapenos, tomatoes, lettuce, chili beans, cheese, ketchup, mayo, relish, and mustard. I'll have a little of everything, thank you! They were delicious and like nothing I had ever had.
So a couple of weeks later I decided to try making them. I didn't have the thick cut bacon, just regular cut, actually it seemed to me the bacon I had was extra thin. This made it much easier for it to adhere to the hot dog, it just kinda sucked itself to the weenie. (Hahaha, don't you love the word weenie?)
Anyway, I didn't even need to secure the edges with anything, the bacon just stayed sucked on. I carefully turned them as my brother in law did and they came out great!
I didn't have all the condiments, but I did have some diced up red onion and jalapeno that I had left over from the chili beans I made for Super Bowl, so I used those and OH MY GOSH, if you do nothing else this weekend, make these hotdogs. They are out of this world and your kids will love them and you don't even need the bun if you're on a low carb/high protein diet..MAKE THEM!!!
I also am a huge fan of bacon wrapped shrimp and I don't even like shrimp. I also love bacon wrapped water chestnuts, mmmmmmmm. What do you like to wrap your bacon around?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We Are the World 25 for Haiti
In 1984-1985 Africa experienced a famine that killed in upwards of 1,000,000 individuals. USA for Africa came together along with social activist and entertainer Harry Belafonte to create a song which would be sung by some of the music industries most famous artists of the time.
Belafonte enlisted the help of Lionel Richie and Kenny Rogers. They in turn got Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson to help. The song itself was written mainly by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.
We Are the World was the song written and it was recorded in 1985 and has sold more than 20 million copies and earned more than $63 million dollars for charity in Africa and in the United States as well. The song has won many awards, including three Grammy Awards, one American Music Award and a People's Choice Award.
I remember crying when I first heard the song. The music, the lyrics inspired and touched me, but what really reached my heart was the compassion and love that I saw on the faces of the artists that participated. I felt their love and their intense craving to help in any way they could with the talents given to them by God...especially through their voices. It was amazing.
Here's a version of the original We Are the World.
Twenty-five years later, driven by the need to provide help and financial aide to Haiti who experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, it was decided that We are the World would be remade by new artists to reach a whole new generation.
The song was recorded on February 1st in 14 hours by over 80 artists. The new version was aired for the first time during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympics in Canada.
When I first heard the new version, I decided I didn't like all. But then I figured maybe the reason I liked the original version is that it was my version, the version I first heard and fell in love with. And now it's a whole new world, a whole new generation and maybe they need a version that they can love and that can make them feel the way my version made me feel.
So I listened to the new version over and over again and the more I listened to it; the more I experienced the words and the faces and the voices of the new artists, the more I loved it. It's still not as awe-inspiring as my version, but it's pretty darn close.
I love that they included the original clip of Michael Jackson.
And unbelievable as it seems to me my favorite part was the rap part close to the end that was contributed by LL Cool J, Will-I-Am, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, and Swizz Beatz. I love the way they sound, but more than that, I love the lyrics.
We all need somebody that we can lean on
when you wake up look around and see that your dreams gone
when the earth quakes we’ll help you make it through the storm
when the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on
we are the World united by love so strong
when the radio isn’t on you can hear the songs
a guided light on the dark road your walking on
a sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
someone to help you rebuild after the rubble’s gone
we are the World connected by a common bond
Love, the whole planet singing along.
Here's the new version. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, let me know what you think.
Which is your favorite version and why?
Belafonte enlisted the help of Lionel Richie and Kenny Rogers. They in turn got Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson to help. The song itself was written mainly by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson.
We Are the World was the song written and it was recorded in 1985 and has sold more than 20 million copies and earned more than $63 million dollars for charity in Africa and in the United States as well. The song has won many awards, including three Grammy Awards, one American Music Award and a People's Choice Award.
I remember crying when I first heard the song. The music, the lyrics inspired and touched me, but what really reached my heart was the compassion and love that I saw on the faces of the artists that participated. I felt their love and their intense craving to help in any way they could with the talents given to them by God...especially through their voices. It was amazing.
Here's a version of the original We Are the World.
Twenty-five years later, driven by the need to provide help and financial aide to Haiti who experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, it was decided that We are the World would be remade by new artists to reach a whole new generation.
The song was recorded on February 1st in 14 hours by over 80 artists. The new version was aired for the first time during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympics in Canada.
When I first heard the new version, I decided I didn't like all. But then I figured maybe the reason I liked the original version is that it was my version, the version I first heard and fell in love with. And now it's a whole new world, a whole new generation and maybe they need a version that they can love and that can make them feel the way my version made me feel.
So I listened to the new version over and over again and the more I listened to it; the more I experienced the words and the faces and the voices of the new artists, the more I loved it. It's still not as awe-inspiring as my version, but it's pretty darn close.
I love that they included the original clip of Michael Jackson.
And unbelievable as it seems to me my favorite part was the rap part close to the end that was contributed by LL Cool J, Will-I-Am, Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, and Swizz Beatz. I love the way they sound, but more than that, I love the lyrics.
We all need somebody that we can lean on
when you wake up look around and see that your dreams gone
when the earth quakes we’ll help you make it through the storm
when the floor breaks a magic carpet to stand on
we are the World united by love so strong
when the radio isn’t on you can hear the songs
a guided light on the dark road your walking on
a sign post to find the dreams you thought was gone
someone to help you move the obstacles you stumbled on
someone to help you rebuild after the rubble’s gone
we are the World connected by a common bond
Love, the whole planet singing along.
Here's the new version. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, let me know what you think.
Which is your favorite version and why?
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Monday, February 15, 2010
How Can I Keep From Singing (Robert Lowry)
How Can I Keep From Singing
My life flows on in endless song
Above earth's lamentation.
I hear the real, thought far off hymn
That hails the new creation
No storm can shake my inmost calmAbove the tumult and the strife,
While to that rock I'm clinging.
Since love is lord of Heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?
I hear the music ringing;
It sounds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing? (Refrain)
What through the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
What through the darkness round me close,
Songs in the night it giveth. (Refrain)
When tyrants tremble, sick with fear,
And hear their death-knell ringing,
When friends rejoice both far and near,
How can I keep from singing? (Refrain)
In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them are winging.
When friends by shame are undefiled,
How can I keep from singing? (Refrain)
Background historical information (Wikipedia)
Words & Music: Robert Wadsworth Lowry (1869)
Verses 4 and 5 by Doris Plenn (1950)
Aber du weißt den Weg für mich (Taizé)
Gott, laß meine Gedanken sich sammeln zu dir.
Bei dir ist das Licht, du vergißt mich nicht.
Bei dir ist die Hilfe, bei dir ist die Geduld.
Ich verstehe deine Wegenicht,
aber du weißt den Weg für mich.
See also: Chinese (Cantonese) version
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
I Love Books!
My mom and I went thrifting yesterday . It's one of our favorite things to do and it had been quite a few weeks since we had last gone. I've promised myself that I'm not going to buy any more pictures, wall hangings, dishes, any type of nick-knack at all until I have a huge yard sale and get rid of about a million and one things that are already in my garage. So mostly I go to just look and hang out with my mom.
We have a Goodwill that we call the bookstore. Believe it or not, the only thing they sell is books. Tons of books, shelves and shelves of books! It's what I picture heaven to look like only with a food court and a Starbucks and Keanu Reeves behind the counter making my latte!
But I digress. This bookstore has tons of paperbacks for 60 cents and hardbacks for 80 cents. Can you believe it? I visit this store a lot. I usually go every weekend and sometimes I stop by on my way home from work. Hence, I have a ton of books. I have boxes and boxes sitting in the garage that I'm planning to include in my yard sale. The ones that don't sell I will contribute back to Goodwill. Maybe I should donate them to Salvation Army instead, o I don't end up buying them back again.
Some of the prettier books or books I really like I keep and I have them in stacks in my closet until I can get a built in bookcase like this in my living room.
I think a built in bookcase would look perfect on the wall shown in the photo below. This is the wall in my living room that I want the bookcase on.
To the right of the picture is my dining room/kitchen. The door to the left leads to the bedrooms. So it's not a great place to put a television as people are passing in front of it all the time.
The fireplace isn't real, it's a faux one with one of those little machines that turns red paper against a light and it's supposed to look like fire but it doesn't, plus there's the irritating click, click, click of the little wheel turning! But it was here when I bought the house and until I can have my dream bookcase as shown above I enjoy my little fake fireplace and love to decorate my mantel. The ones in the photo are my Valentines Day Decorations.
My mom bought me these 5 angels at Goodwill almost a year ago and I change the ribbons around their neck to match the different seasons. For Christmas they wore gold ribbons:
For Valentines Day I dressed them up in red ribbons lined with fur. . . Naughty Angels!
I'm thinking I'd love to find some plaid pink, yellow, blue and green for Easter, but it will just have to be whatever there is at the dollar store.
But this post isn't about Angels or seasonal decor, it's about books and what to do with all the books I collect. I found this website that gave me a good idea of what to do with those books until I get my dream bookcase built.
Book Art! Or as Los Angeles Artist Mike Stilkey calls them Book Sculpture. The artist takes books and uses them create art. Here you see him painting on a stack of books. Click on any of the photos to enlarge.
Here's a whole wall of Book Sculptures. Aren't these amazing? Apparently he gets these books from the trash so he's basically recycling so no harm done. What a great way to reuse books, don't you think and prevent them from being tossed into the trash.
And he has several more photos at this website Books as Art plus you can visit the artists website at
So do you keep your books or do you pass them on as soon as you've read them? Do you re-read books? I have to admit, I don't...but I love to keep the ones I've enjoyed.
We have a Goodwill that we call the bookstore. Believe it or not, the only thing they sell is books. Tons of books, shelves and shelves of books! It's what I picture heaven to look like only with a food court and a Starbucks and Keanu Reeves behind the counter making my latte!
But I digress. This bookstore has tons of paperbacks for 60 cents and hardbacks for 80 cents. Can you believe it? I visit this store a lot. I usually go every weekend and sometimes I stop by on my way home from work. Hence, I have a ton of books. I have boxes and boxes sitting in the garage that I'm planning to include in my yard sale. The ones that don't sell I will contribute back to Goodwill. Maybe I should donate them to Salvation Army instead, o I don't end up buying them back again.
Some of the prettier books or books I really like I keep and I have them in stacks in my closet until I can get a built in bookcase like this in my living room.
I think a built in bookcase would look perfect on the wall shown in the photo below. This is the wall in my living room that I want the bookcase on.
To the right of the picture is my dining room/kitchen. The door to the left leads to the bedrooms. So it's not a great place to put a television as people are passing in front of it all the time.
The fireplace isn't real, it's a faux one with one of those little machines that turns red paper against a light and it's supposed to look like fire but it doesn't, plus there's the irritating click, click, click of the little wheel turning! But it was here when I bought the house and until I can have my dream bookcase as shown above I enjoy my little fake fireplace and love to decorate my mantel. The ones in the photo are my Valentines Day Decorations.
My mom bought me these 5 angels at Goodwill almost a year ago and I change the ribbons around their neck to match the different seasons. For Christmas they wore gold ribbons:
For Valentines Day I dressed them up in red ribbons lined with fur. . . Naughty Angels!
I'm thinking I'd love to find some plaid pink, yellow, blue and green for Easter, but it will just have to be whatever there is at the dollar store.
But this post isn't about Angels or seasonal decor, it's about books and what to do with all the books I collect. I found this website that gave me a good idea of what to do with those books until I get my dream bookcase built.
Book Art! Or as Los Angeles Artist Mike Stilkey calls them Book Sculpture. The artist takes books and uses them create art. Here you see him painting on a stack of books. Click on any of the photos to enlarge.
Here's a whole wall of Book Sculptures. Aren't these amazing? Apparently he gets these books from the trash so he's basically recycling so no harm done. What a great way to reuse books, don't you think and prevent them from being tossed into the trash.
And he has several more photos at this website Books as Art plus you can visit the artists website at
So do you keep your books or do you pass them on as soon as you've read them? Do you re-read books? I have to admit, I don't...but I love to keep the ones I've enjoyed.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Nun danket alle Gott (Germany)
See also the English translation: Now Thank We All Our God
Nun danket alle Gott mit Herzen, Mund und Händen.
Der große Dinge tut an uns und allen Enden,
Der uns von Mutterleib und Kindesbeinen an
Unzählig viel zu gut bis hierher hat getan.
Der ewig reiche Gott woll uns in unserm Leben
Ein immer fröhlich Herz und edlen Frieden geben
Und uns in seiner Gnad erhalten fort und fort
Und uns aus aller Not erlösen hier und dort.
Lob, Ehr und Preis sei Gott, dem Vater und dem Sohne
Und Gott, dem Heilgen Geist im höchsten Himmelsthrone,
ihm, dem dreieinen Gott, wie es im Anfang war
Und ist und bleiben wird so jetzt und immerdar.
Background historical Information from Wikipedia:
in German
in English
Composer: Martin Rinckart (1586–1649) [English summary]
Behüte mich, Gott (Taizé)
See also the English version: O God, keep me safe (Taizé)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Lord of All Hopefulness
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,
Whose trust, ever child-like, no cares could destroy,
Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray,
Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.
Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith,
Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe,
Be there at our labours, and give us, we pray,
Your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.
Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace,
Your hands swift to welcome, your arms to embrace,
Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray,
Your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.
Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm,
Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm,
Be there at our sleeping, and give us, we pray,
Your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.
Words: Jan Struther (1901-1953)
Music: SLANE (Traditional Irish folk melody)
Alleluia 7 (Taizé)

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia (2x)
Music: Jacques Berthier (English bio) (French bio)
See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.
Official Taizé Community Website
Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English
Happy Valentines Day!
My Valentines
To my daughter, April
A daughter leaves your home,
but never your heart.
She discovers her own happiness,
which in turn becomes yours.
Life changes. . .
Love does not.
I love you April.
Happy Valentines Day!
To my son, James
Stuff happens when you have a son.
Your floors get dirty,
Your rules get bent
And your life gets changed
in wonderful ways
I love you Jim,
Happy Valentines Day!
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