Monday, September 30, 2013

A Brief Hiatus

Plainly put - what an awesome weekend. 
Brett has been very busy as of late (working 60+ hours each week)
It has really taught me to cherish the seconds I get to spend with him.

This weekend was especially great as we had the opportunity to visit the 
Mesa temple with the youth in our ward and perform baptisms for the dead.  
There is such a special spirit at the temple and I just love every chance I get to go.

I always love walking away from the temple hand in hand with my sweetheart ready to conquer the world. 
As we drove away from the temple, 
I thought a lot about my life and how I can bring the spirit of the temple more in my life and home. 

There was one thing that kept coming to my mind over and over again.

Before I go on, I must confess to you guys --- 
I am like completely addicted to the computer and my phone. 
I'll be honest,  it is disgusting how much time I spend reading blogs, 
checking instagram, and countless other time suckers. 

So I am making a goal to change. 
I think it is the perfect time, especially in preparation for general conference. 
So starting tomorrow I will be taking a brief week hiatus from social media. 
Call it a "fast" if you will. 

I'm going to try spending more time studying and preparing for conference, 
spending time with my hubby, and simplifying life just a bit. 
Honestly, I am a little nervous (yes I sounds like a complete addict right now),
but more than anything, just looking forward to having more family time. 

Feel free to join me!

PS. I will be continue working from home and will be checking 
my email as I continue to process and finalize any of your orders! 
You can reach me at my email 
if you have any questions or need any help with orders! 

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