Thursday, September 19, 2013

Here are a few more handouts for October's Come Follow Me curriculum!
The overall focus of the month is "Becoming more like the Savior".
As I mentioned before, I have been so inspired as I have read over the lesson outlines 
and some of the suggested talks.
The handouts below directly coordinate to the lesson outline...

Feel free to print off , share, and use for your lessons!

You can download a PDF copy of the handouts and lesson helps by clicking on the links below.
Keep in mind that  if you attempt to change the sizing, you may run the risk of slightly blurring the image! 

Above is simple handout about the Love of God.
The quote comes from Elder Dallin H. Oaks and his talk 
For a PDF download of the handout (four on one sheet) CLICK HERE
Above is another cute handout and great quote from President Monson and his Ensign Article
I would definitely recommend reading over this talk regardless if you are teaching or not.
I think it is so inspirational and really helped me to understand the true meaning of Charity.
For a PDF download of the handout (four on one sheet) CLICK HERE

I really think it is great when the young women have time to reflect during 
or after the lesson about how they can apply the discussed doctrines and principles to their lives!
Above is a card that you could hand out to the young women during or at the end of your lesson.
The girls could write down action items of how they want to show more Christlike love to others in their lives.
For a PDF download of the handout (two on one sheet) CLICK HERE

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