Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I can hardly believe it.
Less than 2 months until my due date.
52 days to be exact, in fact.
The days are flying by. 

My due date is November 3.
For some reason I have a feeling he is going to come a couple days early.

I can honestly say that I have loved being pregnant. 
Yes, it has its realistic bummer moments but the whole process is so fun.
I am determined to not wish the next few weeks away - 
even though I am dying to meet our little boy.

I still feel pretty good and really can't complain.
 I have definitely noticed a few changes in how I feel in the last week or two. 
My calves, feet, face and hands are swollen.  And I feel tingling in my feet.
 I think my circulation is just a little off. It is the worst in the morning.
I am trying to go on walks once a day.
 I think it helps a little with swelling.

 I have been waking up at least once a night to go to the bathroom - sometimes two or three.
 This is VERY abnormal for me. 
I am a heavy sleeper and never.ever. wake up in the middle of the night. 

I don't have many cravings but I feel like I eat 
I don't like to eat big meals - just a little bit almost every other hour. {Sad, but true} 
I do want sweets - a lot. 

We had a bit of a scare during week 31.
I had been having some pretty bad stomach pains 
and noticed my face and body quickly swelling (not to mention a MAJOR migraine).
Around 8:30 pm at night I called my doctor and she requested I come into the hospital.
I guess it was at that moment my motherly instincts kicked in high drive 
because I suddenly became so worried and forgot about all the pain I was experiencing.
I could only pray and hope that everything was okay with our little guy. 
I quickly let Brett know what was going on.
He was a total champ.
Calm and loving as can be. 
Gosh I love that man and sincerely do not know what I would do without him. 

Long story short, everything was and is perfectly okay with me and the baby.
I was monitored throughout the evening and allowed to early the next morning.

The Arizona heat has been pretty brutal to my body. 
I was really dehydrated and physically exhausted. 
I am taking it easy for now and staying out of the 100 + degree weather. 
I can't describe how scary the experience was for me, 
but how grateful I am that everything was okay.  

We have really kicked into gear around here with the baby stuff. 
I have had a lot of fun prepping this little guy's room. 
I find myself going into his nursery a few times a day and just sitting down.
I often find myself in tears.
All I can say is my heart is so full of love for this boy.

We are still trying to decide on a middle name.

Brett is gushing more and more over babies. 
I cannot believe how excited he is.
A few weeks ago he even showed off some of the beby's outfits to some friends. Very unlike him. 
The baby definitely kicks for him.
Cheesy as it sounds, I think he knows and loves Brett's voice and touch.
He starts kicking like crazy when he is around.
 It is adorable! I feel like I am getting a glimpse into his personality. 

 I love that in the middle of the night Brett will roll over and put his hand on my stomach - in his sleep.
 It is this little moment in time that I hope to never forget. 
Just as this baby is prepping for life - we are prepping for parenthood.

Oh little one, we are already so in love with you. 
I am anxiously waiting to see your sweet face, little fingers and tiny toes.

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