Monday, September 30, 2013

Deciding to move to Arizona was no overnight decision for Brett and I.
It is something that we had prayed about for years prior to Brett's graduation.

Honestly, making the decision was a bit of a stressful one...
We prayed long and hard about our next step in life - 
but after receiving our answer, and knowing it was right, we have never looked back.

It is amazing to me how when something is right, it is right.
I am a firm believer that Heavenly Father always has a plan for us. 
You may remember that Brett and I knew we were supposed to be in this home,
but didn't know why.
We literally looked, decided, and purchased a home within a matter of 3 days.
Now it is so clear.

We have been so blessed to be welcomed with open arms into such an amazing ward.
Especially me. 
I've said it time and time again -
but we really lucked out when we moved into this area.
I feel overwhelmed with the amount of love that I have felt from neighborhood friends and ward members.
Honestly, I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel towards them. 

Last weekend, the two lovely ladies who first welcomed me to the ward, Danielle and Ali,
threw me a baby bash of every girl's dreams.
It is like they have known me all my life. 
Yes, I'll admit, I am probably one of the most meticulous and detailed persons to exist- 
And yes, it can drive others around me crazy...
All I can say is... These ladies knew how to throw a party!
Talk about darling!!!

Not only was the shower itself SUPER adorbs, 
I was truly overwhelmed with so much love and gratitude to everyone who came! 
I was shocked to see so many of my new friends gathered in one place.
I wish I could have gotten a picture with everyone! 

We laughed as we played a baby trivia game.
This first time Mom learned quite a few things.
Lets just say - I lost.
I guess I have a lot ahead of me.

We also played a game where teams were able to create baby outfits from toilet paper.
I died laughing.  It was hysterical.
Watch out Project Runway - there were some major fashion trends set that afternoon.

To all of the women in my ward -
what can I say...
you are an incredible sisterhood and support group that I rely on daily.
Again, I wish I could have snapped a picture with every one of you.
Thank you oh so much for all of your loving kindness.
I get teary eyed just thinking about it.
Thank you to all of you who made this day possible.
It was truly a dream of a shower.

Now let's get this little guy here so we can meet him!  

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