Friday, September 13, 2013


A few weeks ago I posted some ideas to to help encourage participation in the Young Women organization.
You can find the details and specific ideas HERE

One of the ideas I posted was a simple Presidency Contact Information Magnet. 
The purpose of the magnets was to give the young women a simple way to track their leader's contact information
and also a reminder of their leader's love for them. 
Not only is the magnet beneficial for the young woman,
 but it is also great for their parents who might be a bit apprehensive about their daughter attending YW. 
It gives them a contact number in case they need to get in touch with their daughter. 

I suggested dropping off the cards as a presidency and taking the time to introduce yourself to the young woman her family members. 

Since posting the idea I have had several requests for the same idea but specifically for the Relief Society and Primary.
I thought it was a great idea and decided to quickly put together some cute cards for your use!

You can download a PDF image of the Contact Information Cards templates by clicking on the links below. 
There are 8 cards to an 8.5x11 page.

Keep in mind that  if you are interested in any alterations to the designs 
or any adding an personal details, I am more than happy to help!
For instance, if you would like me to digitally add in your presidency 
contact information so you don't need to fill them out by hand... 
You can find more information and details here

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