Monday, September 30, 2013

I was so inspired this past weekend by the messages that were shared during the Relief Society General Broadcast
(to learn more about the broadcast, please visit

It is amazing to me how well my Heavenly Father knows me 
and understands just what I need to hear from our church leaders. 

I wanted to capture some of my favorite thoughts from the broadcast,
so I decided to make a few prints that I would insert in my General Conference notebook (see here)
Feel free to print off or use any of the quotes below.

I hope you find these words as inspiring as I did! 
Happy conference weekend!

You can download a PDF copy of the images by clicking on the links below.
All images were created as 5x7.

Keep in mind that  if you are interested in any alterations to the designs 
(including resizing, color changes, etc.) I am more than happy to help!
I am also willing to custom create any of your favorite quotes from the broadcast!
You can find more information and details here

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