Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's that time again! Is anyone else getting excited for the month of October as I am?
I feel like there is just so much to look forward to...
Autumn, General Conference, and not to mention new "Come Follow Me" lesson outlines to read up on!
The overall focus of the month is "Becoming More Like the Savior"
I have been so inspired as I have read over the lesson outlines and some of the suggested talks.

As usual, I am getting a head start on creating some fun handouts and lesson helps to spark some inspiration!
The handouts below directly coordinate to the lesson outline...

Feel free to print off , share, and use for your lessons!

You can download a PDF copy of the handouts and lesson helps by clicking on the links below.
Keep in mind that  if you attempt to change the sizing, you may run the risk of slightly blurring the image! 

Above is simple handout about the importance of striving to follow the Savior's example,
The quote comes from Elder Dallin H. Oaks and his talk 
I love the emphasis Elder Oaks puts on the fact that we should ALWAYS be striving to become more Christlike.
For a PDF download of the handout (two on one sheet) CLICK HERE

One of my favorite things from Preach My Gospel as a missionary was the activity found in Chapter 8,
I found myself reviewing the questions on a weekly basis as I set goals 
and focused on striving to become more like the Savior as I served. 

Since being home from serving a mission, I do not do the activity every week,
but I do try to review it as often as possible as I continue to set personal goals in my life.
I think it is a great personal evaluation tool and provides a way to become closer to the Savior 
as you learn about his attributes and try to become more like him.

The way the activity works is simple.
You read the statements and rank yourself on a scale from 1-5. 
After ranking myself I like to take a step back and take an overall look at where I can improve.
Obviously perfection is impossible, so it is important not to get down on yourself 
when you see areas for improvement.

After reviewing the information,
I usually like to select one attribute that I am going to study and work on for the month.

I think this could be a great tool to use during your lesson or an activity to send home with your young women.

Some of the questions in preach my gospel are specific to missionaries, 
so I slightly edited some of the evaluation statements and 
created a fun worksheet that the girls could take home and put somewhere as a reminder.

For a PDF download of the handout (front side) CLICK HERE
For a PDF download of the handout (back side) CLICK HERE

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