Monday, September 16, 2013

Saying that I am getting excited for General Conference is a bit of an understatement.

Listening to the leaders of the church is always something that I look forward to.

I decided to create a simple handout for either the young women or relief society sisters to encourage them
to prayerfully watch General Conference!

As of late I have been on a bit of a nautical kick, which inspired the handout. 
If you want to pair a treat with the handout you could easily package up some chocolate gold coins or Nestle's "Treasures"... (mmmmm).

Also included on the handout are some "Map Markers" 
which are simple suggestions of how we can get the most out of watching General Conference.
I took the suggestions and ideas from the LDS website, which you can find HERE.

As usual feel free to use and share my handouts! 
You can download a PDF file for both the front and back of the handout below by clicking on the links. 
These handouts are sized to be 4x6.

Keep in mind that  if you are interested in any alterations to the designs 
or any adding an personal details, I am more than happy to help!
You can find more information and details here

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