Monday, September 23, 2013

I decided to take a sneak peak at the Primary's October sharing time outlines.
I was SO excited to read and learn that it is on Missionary Work - one of my favorite topics! 

I decided to create a fun little game based on the outline 

It is a fun and simple board game that could be used for sharing time or even as a FHE activity! 

The children should be split into teams (2 teams or more depending on how many children are playing).
Select a child from each team to come to the front and roll both dice.

The dice with numbers on it indicates how many spaces the team moves on the board.
The colored dice will give the child an activity to complete (see specifics below).

The game provides a variety of activities for the children to participate in 
as they learn more about how they can be missionaries now by living the gospel!

I hope you and your primary have fun playing and learning together! 
You can download a PDF copy of the images by clicking on the links below.
Keep in mind that  if you attempt to change the sizing, you may run the risk of slightly blurring the image!

Keep in mind that  if you are interested in any alterations to the designs 
or any adding an personal details, I am more than happy to help!
You can find more information and details here

I decided to make the board larger than a regular 8.5 x11 so if you are using the game as a sharing time, 
more of the children will be able to see the game from a distance. 
I created it so you will need to download two sides (right and left) which are each 8.5x11 and piece them together!

Again, each turn  children will roll both the numbers and activity dice. 
The numbers dice above will indicate how many spaces the child will move on the actual board game.
Cut along the perimeter of dice. Fold and glue on flaps to create a cube. 

Again, each turn children will roll both the numbers and activity dice. 
The activity dice will give the child/team an assignment to complete based on missionary work.
Cut along the perimeter of dice. Fold and glue on flaps to create a cube. 
See explanations of activities below.

Have the child name one thing that they can do right now to be a missionary.
Answers might include...
reading the scriptures
inviting another child who is alone to play
helping a parent fold the laundry
being reverent in church
Help the child understand that by living the gospel standards 
they are preparing to be missionaries now.

Share a simple scenario with the child and ask them what they would do.

For example...
Timmy is at the park playing with his friends when he notices another boy
sitting on the grass all by himself. The boy seemed very sad and alone.
What would you do?

Prepare a few different scenarios to present to children 
(scenarios might differ depending on the child's age).

Ask the child to select a song to sing as a group about missionary work.

For example...
Called to Serve
I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
We'll Bring the World His Truth
The Things I Do
The Church of Jesus Christ

Have the child draw on the board something they can do to be a missionary now.
Have the child draw the picture and have their team guess!
Drawings might include...
a child saying their prayers
a choose the right sheild (choosing the right)
a child sharing their testimony
Help the child understand that by living the gospel standards 
they are preparing to be missionaries now.

Share some simple stories about missionary work (from the scriptures or from 
and ask the child/team how missionary service was demonstrated.

Here are just a few stories I found on

At the end of the sharing time, you might provide each child with a missionary tag (see above)
and have them choose one gospel principle they want to work on as they prepare to be a missionary now.
They can write the gospel standard on the missionary tag as a reminder of their goal.

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